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Analysis Policy for failed VBA backup
I am already using the Default Analysis Policy to send me an email when any backup fails. How can I also send my VMware Admin an email when a VBA backup fails. Standard backup fails -> email me. VBA backup fails -> email me + VMware Admin. Any ideas?
1.2K Posts
July 15th, 2016 07:00
One way to accomplish this is to make a new Analysis policy. In DPA, go to Policies > Analysis Policies and select "Create Policy". Here's an example:
In my case, I set two email addresses - my VMware admin and myself. When this rule is triggered, we both get the same alert. Now, go to Policies > Applied Analysis Policies. You can now apply your new policy to your VMware backups. Depending on your backup software (Avamar, Networker, etc.), you will have different steps. In my case, I have Avamar, I created a Group that contains the vCenter domain in Avamar (where all my VMs live). I will apply my new policy (VMBackup Failed) to that group. That means that any VMware backup clients that fail within Avamar will generate errors.
Let us know if that helps!