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October 11th, 2018 11:00

Payment for Software

I have spent 1 week and 2 hours just today just be told that someone would get back to me. We have many Dell computers that were purchased directly from Dell that have Microsoft Office preinstalled. It is now time to renew the annual subscription. I cannot get anybody at Dell that can take the money and reset our software. Microsoft says they cannot help since the computers came from Dell with the software preinstalled. Can anybody help? My next option is to put an article in the Wall Street Journal describing the Dell Customer "no service".

10 Elder


23.7K Posts

October 15th, 2018 12:00

Assuming this is Office 365 (if it needs to be renewed, it has to be), go to to renew your subscription.

I think you'll find that all Office 365 accounts are handled by Microsoft - not the OEM -- at this point.


2 Posts

October 18th, 2018 14:00

I'd go for the WSJ option or any other social channel. You will have more success that way than dealing with Dell's so called Customer Care / Tech Support.

Another disgruntled Dell customer

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