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1 Rookie


2 Posts


June 6th, 2024 04:20

Dell keeps charging on a cancelled order

Long story short, I purchased a battery using PayPal. After they delayed the shipping I cancelled the order. This was in March 2024. Ever since then, every 2 to 3 weeks they keep pre-authorizing my PayPal for the amount. I've called PayPal and Dell. Dell always says their finance team has fixed it but two weeks later it happens again. I'm at my wits end with this <Profanity deleted. DELL-Admin>. Dell is no help and no matter how many support tickets they open it still hasn't been resolved. Read on another thread that they need to cancel the PayPal order but they on their support team don't listen. If anyone has any suggestions then let me know. Thinking of just deleting my PayPal at this point. 

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