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May 19th, 2021 04:00

Unity CSI Driver error question

Received following question


To sum it up, we need you to help us to fix the following error:
* ls: cannot access '/var/lib/kubelet/plugins/': No such file or directory
So provisioning new PVC is not a problem and works as expected but the wan't to know if this is a Bug or error that should be fixed.

During our last provision of storage via CSI Unity Driver we encountered the following error:
Please take a look at the following commands:
k get pvc
pvol1 Bound csivol-dev-it-7d480819bd 12Gi RWO unity-iscsi 9m55s
pvol2 Bound csivol-dev-it-bc9921b234 10Gi RWX unity-nfs 9m55s
k get pods
unitytest-0 0/1 Pending 0 10m

CSI Unity Driver Node and Controller pods are working as expected...
k get pods -n unity
unity-controller-77fd49d8c6-bjdb4 5/5 Running 7 20d
unity-controller-77fd49d8c6-fgxk2 5/5 Running 0 20d
unity-controller-77fd49d8c6-mrdgx 5/5 Running 0 20d
unity-node-6528n 2/2 Running 0 18m
unity-node-9t7b9 2/2 Running 6 60d
unity-node-bt2gw 2/2 Running 4 60d
but after troubleshooting logs we found the following error:
Endpoint unix:///var/lib/kubelet/plugins/
ls: cannot access '/var/lib/kubelet/plugins/': No such file or directory
time="2021-04-28T11:49:51Z" level=info runid=start msg="Driver Mode:node"
time="2021-04-28T11:49:51Z" level=info runid=start msg="X_CSI_UNITY_NODENAME:rzk8qaitw02"
time="2021-04-28T11:49:51Z" level=info runid=config-0 msg="*************Synchronizing driver config**************"
csi-unity logger initiated. This should be called only once.
time="2021-04-28T11:49:51Z" level=info msg="configured" ArrayId=c************** Insecure=false IsDefaultArray=true RestGateway="**************" password="*******" username=+++++++++
time="2021-04-28T11:49:51Z" level=info runid=node-0 msg="Starting goroutine to add Node information to storage array"
time="2021-04-28T11:49:51Z" level=info arrayid=c**************runid=config-1 msg="Dynamic config load goroutine invoked"
time="2021-04-28T11:49:51Z" level=info runid=config-0 msg="configured"
time="2021-04-28T11:49:51Z" level=info msg="identity service registered"
time="2021-04-28T11:49:51Z" level=info msg="node service registered"
time="2021-04-28T11:49:51Z" level=info msg=serving endpoint="unix:///var/lib/kubelet/plugins/"
time="2021-04-28T11:49:52Z" level=error arrayid=c************** runid=node-2 msg="Cannot read directory: /sys/class/fc_host Error: open /sys/class/fc_host: no such file or directory"
time="2021-04-28T11:49:52Z" level=info arrayid=c************** runid=node-2 msg="'FC Initiators' cannot be retrieved."
time="2021-04-28T11:49:52Z" level=info arrayid=c**************runid=node-2 msg="URI/api/instances/host/name:rzk8qaitw02?fields=id,name,description,fcHostInitiators,iscsiHostInitiators,hostIPPorts?fields"
time="2021-04-28T11:49:52Z" level=info arrayid=c************** runid=config-1 msg="Node initiators are synchronized with the Host Wwns on the array"
time="2021-04-28T11:49:54Z" level=info runid=1 msg="NodeGetInfo success"
time="2021-04-28T11:49:54Z" level=error runid=2 msg="Cannot read directory: /sys/class/fc_host Error: open /sys/class/fc_host: no such file or directory"
time="2021-04-28T11:49:54Z" level=info runid=2 msg="iSCSI/FC package found in this node proceeding to further validations"
time="2021-04-28T11:49:54Z" level=info arrayid=c************** runid=4 msg="URI/api/instances/host/name:rzk8qaitw02?fields=id,name,description,fcHostInitiators,iscsiHostInitiators,hostIPPorts?fields"
time="2021-04-28T11:49:54Z" level=info runid=2 msg="Got iSCSI Initiators, Checking health of initiators:[{HostInitiator_81}]"
time="2021-04-28T11:49:55Z" level=info runid=2 msg="iSCSI health is good for array:c**************, Health:ALRT_COMPONENT_OK"
time="2021-04-28T11:51:31Z" level=info runid=6 msg="Executing NodeGetCapabilities with args: {XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral:{} XXX_unrecognized:[] XXX_sizecache:0}"
The CSI Socket file (/var/lib/kubelet/plugins/ does exist on the Nodes and gets mounted into the container (as an excerpt from docker inspect shows):
"Binds": [

46 Posts

May 20th, 2021 06:00


For this message:

ls: cannot access '/var/lib/kubelet/plugins/': No such file or directory

I installed fresh and that was the 2nd message in the logs.  The driver checks to see if the socket exists and if not it is created.  This message should not cause concern.

For these messages:

time="2021-04-28T11:49:52Z" level=error arrayid=c************** runid=node-2 msg="Cannot read directory: /sys/class/fc_host Error: open /sys/class/fc_host: no such file or directory"

time="2021-04-28T11:49:54Z" level=error runid=2 msg="Cannot read directory: /sys/class/fc_host Error: open /sys/class/fc_host: no such file or directory"

It looks like you are using iSCSI, so the FC messages can be ignored.  You could also try to comment out FC in the myvalues.yaml file on install.

#- protocol: "FC"


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