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April 2nd, 2014 05:00

How to use a (Windows) CMD batchfile to run commands on Cisco MDS

I need to run some sort of script from a (Windows) host which runs 2 comamnds on the CLI of a Cisco MDS switch. Also: the output should be logged somewhere, preferrably to a log on that host.

Does anyone know how to do this? I want to fully automate it, so copy paste after starting an ssh session by using putty is not an option.

The commands I'm trying to run are:

show logging onboard | i  "Module|FRAMES_DISCARD"

show interface counters | i "fc|B2B"

1 Rookie


20.4K Posts

April 2nd, 2014 08:00

give this command a try, i have a strong feeling it will work great

plink -ssh ip –l admin -pw password "show logging onboard | egrep Module|FRAMES_DISCARD"

467 Posts

April 2nd, 2014 10:00

You can actually generate and install an ssh key onto the cisco switch to eliminate the need for a password. Just create an public key file (NetBeans Help for Site Tools: Wiki: Winsshwithputty) and then make a user on the cisco switch and install the ssh key.

cont t

username dynamox password 0 role

username storagesvc sshkey


Then you can ssh dynamox@switch and get in without a password. Great for scripts and automated process.

467 Posts

April 2nd, 2014 10:00

Your command to look at the b2b credits shows all interfaces, regardless of if they have active connections.  Try the one below.  It parses show flogi database to get a list of connections which have attached devices and show counters just for the active interfaces.  Also it gets rid of the pesky more prompt.

show flogi database |inc fc |sed 's/ .*//' |sed -r -n 's/(.*)/show interface & counters | i "fc|B2B"/p' |vsh |no-mode

1 Rookie


20.4K Posts

April 2nd, 2014 12:00

when you connect using plink you never get prompted for "more", it's the same as if you were to use | no-more

2K Posts

April 3rd, 2014 07:00

You may also want to take a look at TortoisePlink which is a modified version of plink that doesn't open up a console window. It's part of the TortoiseSVN project.

1 Rookie


5.7K Posts

April 7th, 2014 02:00

plus that my first command almost always is "term len 0" anyway

467 Posts

April 7th, 2014 07:00

Good point.

You know me,   I do a lot of automation.. I use a Perl module which creates an "interactive" ssh session,  that way I can run commands and act on the output before doing the 2nd and 3rd step...

Best example is my script to active zone sets.. I check the number of active zones first,  and make sure it matches...

But for these single command sessions,  no need for " | no-mode"

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