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September 19th, 2012 06:00

How to configure RO SNMPv3 access on Cisco NX-OS?

Hi all,

We want to start monitoring our port states and performance on our Cisco SAN switches (SAN-OS and NX-OS) via SNMP. Since SNMPv3 is a lot more secure than SNMPv2, I want to enforce SNMPv3 all the way: authentication and privacy/encryption of SNMP traffic. However, I'm starting to get rather confused on how to configure it correctly. Security is a big thing, so I want to close the config down as much as I can.

I've tried configuring it via Fabric Manager: I created a user with the network-operator (=RO) role. Secondly, I created a community string, again with role network-operator.

Now, I can't believe this is all I need to do. Nowhere in the GUI it's enforced that I actually create a user and I can't map a user to a community string. Which leads me to believe that, yes I can use SNMPv3 and authenticate when querying the community string, but i can ALSO just query the community string using v1/v2c and get on with it. Does that make sense?

Asking Google nicely, I found a piece of Nexus config:

1# conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
N7010-1(config)# snmp-server user NMS auth sha Cisc0123! priv Cisc0123! engineID
N7010-1(config)# snmp-server host informs version 3 auth NMS
N7010-1(config)# snmp-server community public ro
N7010-1(config)# snmp-server community nxos rw
N7010-1(config)# show snmp
Community            Group / Access      context    acl_filter
---------            --------------      -------    ----------
nxos                  network-admin
public                network-operator
                  SNMP USERS
User                          Auth  Priv(enforce) Groups
____                          ____  _____________ ______
admin                         md5   des(no)       network-admin
nxos-admin                    sha   des(no)       network-operator
NOTIFICATION TARGET USERS (configured  for sending V3 Inform)
User                          Auth  Priv
____                          ____  ____
NMS                           sha   des
(EngineID 0:0:0:63:0:1:0:10:20:15:10:3)
SNMP Tcp Authentication Flag : Enabled.
SNMP protocol : Enabled
Context                          [Protocol instance, VRF, Topology]

N7010-1# show snmp user
                  SNMP USERS

User                          Auth  Priv(enforce) Groups
____                          ____  _____________ ______
admin                         md5   des(no)       network-admin

nxos-admin                    sha   des(no)       network-operator

NOTIFICATION TARGET USERS (configured  for sending V3 Inform)

User                          Auth  Priv
____                          ____  ____
NMS                           sha   des
(EngineID 0:0:0:63:0:1:0:10:20:15:10:3)
N7010-1(config)# exit
N7010-1# copy running-config  startup-config
[########################################] 100%

Again, I can see a user and community strings being created. Inbetween I can see a mapping between a host, the freshly created user and SNMPv3. But this is for SNMP informs, which (if I'm not mistaken) are event-based "pushes" from the switch to the management station that needs to send out an alert. NOT the other way around: a server periodically polling the switch for statistics.

I'm confused. Who can help me out on how to configure this securely?

247 Posts

September 19th, 2012 08:00

Ok, that was actually much easier than I expected!

I configured a user with RO access and a community string with RO access. To create the user, I used the following syntax:

snmp-server user  auth md5  priv 

I then downloaded SNMPtester. The name of the tool says it all: you can test SNMP queries against a device. You can also select the SNMP version you want to use. I selected V3, entered the credentials and encryption key, the switch IP address I just configured and requested the uptime. Voila, result: SNMPv3 was working.

To test security, I then switched back to SNMPv1. I entered the community string, requested uptime again -> result! Damn, that's not what I want...

I noticed a change in the interface though; apparently you do NOT need to enter a community string for SNMPv3, only user/pwd/encryptionkey! To retest, I removed the community string from the switch config. I ran the SNMPv3 uptime check -> result. SNMPv1/v2c -> timeout. Voila! Just what I wanted

So to clarify: at this time, you have ONLY added a new user. There are no community strings present at all; it seems they are not needed with SNMPv3!


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