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July 31st, 2014 08:00

Find unused fcalias from CLI in NX-OS 5.2.2


I'm running MDS9148 and MDS9509 with NX-OS 5.2.2. Is there any way to get a listing of fc aliases that are not used in a zone. In other words, I need to find all of the fc aliases that have been abandoned. Getting a listing of device aliases seems easy, fc aliases not so much.


1 Rookie


20.4K Posts

July 31st, 2014 08:00

you will need to script it, dump a list of fcaliases into a file and then use their WWN against output from "sh fcns data" to find which ones are not logged-in.

1 Rookie


20.4K Posts

July 31st, 2014 10:00

i don't know how things work in your shop but in my shop while we have documented decommissioning procedures, sometimes system team forget to send us a request to decomm a server.  So we end up with a zones/fcaliases that are still in place but the actual physical server is long gone. That's why i like to see if these WWN are actually logged-in to the fabric. There is a chance the server was taken down for maintenance while you are running your script and will show up on your list as "decommed" so i run it a couple of times a week to make sure that system is gone for good.

309 Posts

July 31st, 2014 10:00

I was curious if there was a command for what I needed, not concerned about logins this time. I got it though. I pulled down a "zone show" and a "fcalias show" to Powershell and compared the two lists.


309 Posts

July 31st, 2014 10:00

Same issue here, thanks.

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