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This post is more than 5 years old



March 4th, 2011 06:00

DS24M2 McData Ethernet port not working

I have 2 DS24M2 swithces and on one the ethernet port is no longer working.

There are no errors and the power light is green on the ethernet port.

I checked that the cabel is correctly patched and it is, I also checked the ip address with ipconfig on the serial port command line.

I changed the ip address and this made no difference and swapped ethernet cables, stil no difference.

I reset the switch and no difference, no error in the message log either.

There are no lin lights (10/100) on the ethernet prot in question.

It has worked for about 8 years and just stopped all of a sudded!

Any ideas?

2.1K Posts

March 4th, 2011 13:00

When you say you reset the switch was that a fast-IML or a full reboot? I have had problems in the past with the Ethernet ports on these switches which actually required a full reboot to resolve.

In addition, there were a few versions of firmware that I remember this happening on a lot more than others. I can't remember the specifics now, but one thing you might want to consider if you can (and if you aren't already up to date) is a firmware upgrade.

Other than that, it is entirely possible that the port itself is just hosed. It doesn't happen often, but it can happen. Is the switch under maintenance? If so I would suggest having your CE take a look. You may have to replace the switch completely.

17 Posts

March 21st, 2011 04:00

Please try the following:

1. Set up a null modem (RS-232) cable to the maint port on the back of the switch.
2. Using Hyperterminal, make a connection using the COM port with the following settings:
a. Bits per second 57600
b. Data Bits 8
c. Parity None
d. Stop Bits 1
e. Flow Control None.
3. Then use the password `level-2¿, it should show as all x¿s.
4. Press enter, and you will see a SSP0> (or similar)  prompt.
5. Now type the command ipconfig
6. You will see the current IP address, subnet and gateway.
7. Unplug the Ethernet cable from the switch and using the command ipconfig again enter ipconfig yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy zzz.zzz.zzz.zzz where is the IP address, yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy is the subnet, zzz.zzz.zzz.zzz is the gateway, and change the IP address by one number.
8. Then change it back using the same command.

if that does not resolve issue please see emc133068


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