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1 Message


January 25th, 2024 10:09

Dell SCv2000 (CT-SCv2020) disk alerts not cleared after disk swap

Hey folks.

We have 2 SCv2000 Series storages (EN-SC2020 enclosure and CT-SCv2020 controllers).

We had a faulty disk, 1-20 (last one, the hot spare).

We replaced the disk 3 days, did a Clear Swap.

Disk shows as healthy. Raid rebuild background jobs completed after 2 hours.

But for some reason, the alerts keep on showing:

1/23/24, 2:38:56 PM AudibleAlarm 1 1 Audible Alarm for Enclosure - 1  is emitting a tone indicating a problem. Critical Yes ToneOnAlert  Hardware1/23/24,  2:38:56 PM Enclosure 1 1 Enclosure component 01-01 in Enclosure - 1 is  indicating a warning condition. Degraded Yes WarningAlert Hardware1/23/24, 2:38:56 PM JBODDiskElement 1 21 Physical Disk Location 01-20  in Enclosure - 1 has turned on a fault condition by request. Inform Yes  FaultRequestedAlert Hardware

The timestamp is for when i replaced the disk. Any ideas on whats the issue and how to clear the alerts? Since this happened after our support contract ended, i cant contact the Dell Support.



2.5K Posts

January 25th, 2024 14:34

Hello, the system might still be recognizing the swap status of the old disk, even though the new disk has been designated as the new hot spare.

Please follow this link Storage Center Alert: Hard drive has been swapped | Dell UK

  • Click Storage Viewer 
  • Select a Storage Center
  • Click Hardware tab
  • Expand Enclosures and the enclosure listed in the alert
  • Select Disks
  • Right-click on the disk that shows Swap Detected Yes and choose Request Swap Clear
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