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This post is more than 5 years old


February 7th, 2011 08:00

Problem with FMA archiving


I want to archive data from Celerra to Celerra. To configure FMA, I've used "FMA Getting Started Guide" version 7.3

I've done all tasks that figured in this document but when I opened my share to see archived file, I don't find ay archived file (with a right click on one of my files

I find that the size of my file still the same: size = size on disk)

could you please help me thx

14 Posts

February 9th, 2011 09:00

FMA if it's set up correctly has to do two things to actually archive data.  First, you must run a policy that determines what files should be tagged as archivable and then there's a process that creates a stub of that file which is actually the point when the file is archived on the Centera.  In almost all cases, the tagging of a file and the stubbing of the files are independant processes and happen at different times.  You can check your FMA scheduler (on the main GUI) for when this occurs or if it's scheduled to occur.  Via NFS it's hard to determine that a file is stubbed and archived, but in Windows it's very easy.  In windows, the file will appear with a small circle with a line thru it but the file's size, permissions, name, etc will all be the same.  You want the file to be represented with the same size at the file system level even though the stub is very small.

If after this you're still not sure, open a chat session and EMC support can help get you going in the right direction.

Tom Whalen

February 10th, 2011 04:00

thx it works now

14 Posts

February 10th, 2011 05:00

Great to hear that!

Tom Whalen

100 Posts

February 10th, 2011 15:00

Hi Tom,

I'm happy to see you on this Open Exchange forum. Thanks for jumping in to help ou!


4 Posts

May 21st, 2011 05:00

Hi Tom,

I was trying to run import task from Celerra CIFS to Celerra CIFS, but I always got the same error " Failed to create the NAS CIFS DHSM connection with  error XmlApi::recvXmlResponse Error". I did all steps in the " FMAVE Trial Installation Instructions 0110.pdf".

server_http -append dhsm -users -hosts

server_http –service dhsm –start

fs_dhsm -modify -state enabled

all steps succeeded.

The following lines include the Archiving log (error is in red color):

May 05 13:46:36 Trying to create a CIFS to CIFS dhsm connection between primary server "EMCCIFSONE" share="FMASOURCE" and secondary server "EMCCIFSONE" share="FmaStore"

May 05 13:46:36 Trying to connect the Celerra XML API server '' with user 'rffm'.

May 05 13:46:37 Trying to query the file system's ID of \\\FMASOURCE.

May 05 13:46:37 Trying to enable DHSM on the file system 23

May 05 13:46:39 Trying to create a CIFS DHSM connection to \\emccifsone.dotnet.criticalsites.local\FmaStore for file system 23. NetBIOS domain 'DOTNET', CIFS user 'administrator'.

May 05 13:46:55 (WARNING) Failed to create the NAS CIFS DHSM connection with unknown error -13. You may need to manually create the DHSM connection.

May 05 13:46:55 (WARNING) Failed to create the NAS CIFS DHSM connection with  error XmlApi::recvXmlResponse Error


Cannot establish connection between secondary server emccifsone.dotnet.criticalsites.local and local server EMCCIFSONE.DOTNET.CRITICALSITES.LOCAL with share FmaStore with user DOTNET\administrator  NT status=INTERNAL_ERROR c00000e5H.

 This is a failure of the actual attempt to map the share over the network. status c00000e5H is a Microsoft SMB error code that among other places can be looked up here ...
 1. BAD_NETWORK_NAME may mean that the share is not valid for the server.
 2. BAD_NETWORK_PATH may mean that the host name is wrong.

1. Look at the NT status code which is a CIFS error and act on the message.

2. Verify that the server emccifsone.dotnet.criticalsites.local name is an FQDN and not just the machine name or IP address. IP addresses cannot be used in place of a server name.

3. Verify that the user account belongs to the domain and has the correct credentials.

4. Verify that the Celerra Data Mover EMCCIFSONE.DOTNET.CRITICALSITES.LOCAL is joined to its domain. The CIFS server status will display that information.

5. If the error message seems incorrect based on the displayed input parameters then look at the Celerra Data Mover server log for more detailed information. Pay special attention to the log messages associated with the facilities MGFS, DHSM, SMB, and KERBEROS.

Actually I got the same error when I try to connect manually from CLI:

$ fs_dhsm -connection FS01 -create -type cifs -admin 'DOTNET\administrator' -secondary '\\EMCCIFSONE\FmaStore' -local_server EMCCIFSONE

Enter Password:********

Error 13158252563: Cannot establish connection between secondary server EMCCIFSONE.DOTNET.CRITICALSITES.LOCAL and local server EMCCIFSONE.DOTNET.CRITICALSITES.LOCAL with share FmaStore with user DOTNET\administrator  NT status=INTERNAL_ERROR c00000e5H.

I don't know how does the FMA know this password to enter it?. But it seems that it executes the same command (without the password  !!!)

Please Advise.


Hatem Mostafa

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