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25 Posts


October 1st, 2020 11:00

SPB Unmanaged and 2 Disks Failed


I have an old CX3-10 in production, and have 2 failed disks in the LUN 0 (RAID5):

Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 1 [FC;4Gbps;133,68GB] - The state is "Removed"

Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 3 [FC;4Gbps;133,68GB] - The state is "Removed"

I got it the two faulty disk in a german broker and my questions are:

Can I make an hot repalcement without any problems?

They are any totorial to do the hot replacement correctly?

The machine have 2 SP. the SPA works correctly, but the SPB marks as unmanaged. Is safe to reboot the SPB, conected in SPA? As i read in the comunity, some firmware for the SP's are in this RAID, so i need to rebuild the first disk (Dirsk 1), and after this rebuild que second (Disk 3) and after that the SPB became accessible?

I can ping SPB.


Thanks for any help



8.6K Posts

October 1st, 2020 17:00

Hi regisaran,

Is it a single raid 5 with both failed drives? Do you have a backup?

25 Posts

October 2nd, 2020 05:00

Hi Josh.

The image in Navisphere is that:



I´m very worried because if other disk fail, the RAID can be unrecoverable

25 Posts

October 2nd, 2020 05:00

Hi Josh

The raid is working, because the server is working ok, i think because the use a spare disk. One of thi leds is red and the other is yellow



8.6K Posts

October 2nd, 2020 09:00

That is good, getting a backup would be the next step, after that you could replace the drives one at a time to rebuild.


25 Posts

October 2nd, 2020 10:00

The replace disk wizard in NST gives error because have SPB unmanaged.

How to replace the disks in this condition?



8.6K Posts

October 2nd, 2020 10:00

You will need to get the SP back online, trying to reboot it may help.

25 Posts

October 2nd, 2020 10:00

Wen i use the replace disk wizard in NST, thie error occurs:

NST Version :
Date and Time : 2020-10-02 18:04:19 (GMT+01:00)
Subsystem Serial Number : CK200083200042
Subsystem Model Number : CX3-10c
FLARE Operating Environment Rev :
One or more of the Storage Processors on the storage system could not be polled. The wizard requires that all Storage Processors can be polled in order to get a complete picture of the storage system's health.
Check if the username and password that you used to connect to the array has sufficient privileges to perform this operation.


How can I replace the disk now with the SPB unmanaged?

25 Posts

October 4th, 2020 07:00

I reboot the storage and SPB becames Empty state

Also i see Enclosure SPE SPD B is not present

Is not possible to replace the disks after power dons the storage, and after that wen boot up rebuild the raid?




25 Posts

October 4th, 2020 16:00


i read this post:

Re: CX3-10 Hard Disks

The first 5 drives in the enclosure starting from the left are the array Operating System Drives - these you must be very careful with. From the picture it looks like 4th drive is faulted (this would be Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 4 or 0-0-3).

The drives used are from EMC and are formatted with a special format that is not standard, so you must get a replacement that is an EMC disk. There should be a part number on the front of the disk. The position of the drives is also very important - you can not take one of the first 5 disks and move it to another position or the whole array will stop working.

There should be an EMC Partner located in Mexico - they should be able to help with replacing the disk that failed based on the part number.


So i need disks prepared by EMC support? How cani do this in Portugal?



8.6K Posts

October 5th, 2020 09:00

The best way would be to call phone support I believe the number for there is 351 21 4159307. 

25 Posts

October 6th, 2020 03:00

One of the things that i do to put the SP UP was a Reset and Hold command. The properties of the SP says in Peer boot state this: Invalid. Invalid boot fault information.

I need to reconfigure now the SP?

The software for the SP's is on this first raid, correct? Is necessary to reinstall the softwar for this SPB?

The broker send to me this disk: P/N:00504870i Rev.A04. It can replace a disk with P/N:005048730 Rev.A08?

I call to Dell suport, but they reply me to EMV suport. I will call then, but i will be apreciate if you contonue to give me some help.




25 Posts

October 6th, 2020 09:00

Yes is an EMC spare, with this label:

P/N:00504870 Rev.A04

S/N: BE101064509367


I need to verify all the cabling, because i think we have an erroneus cabling.



8.6K Posts

October 6th, 2020 09:00

Does the replacement drive have a Dell or EMC part number on it?



8.6K Posts

October 6th, 2020 10:00

That drive should be fine. 

25 Posts

October 7th, 2020 02:00

Hi josh

Well the drive is ok, but wen i boot the storage the two drives became like there will be in raid rebuild state (leds green and yellow). And the SP is in empty state, and is not possible to replace the disk using NST.

How i can replace the disks?

Is possible to put the machine with only one SP, to have the chance of using NST, or i need to have the two SP working?

I still waiting for a proposal of DELL_EMC support in Portugal, so i apologize to worry you with this problem, but i think the situation is very critical.




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