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December 16th, 2011 07:00

Centera export and import


I am new to Centera

we have 8 documentum repositories storing content in centera which needs to be migrated from one geography to another.(Japan to Singapore)

I would like to know how can I export data Japan centera and import to Singapore centera.


216 Posts

December 21st, 2011 08:00


C2C is cluster to migration not a disk to disk copy. All the pools available on the cluster are migrated to the target cluster. All the pools present in the source cluster will be migrated to the Target cluster. The Filepool version on the target cluster should be the same or higher than the Source cluster.

Please refer to Powerlink to get more information on C2C.The link is given below.

Home > Support > Software Downloads and Licensing > Downloads C > Centera C2C Migration Tool

If you are unable to access the link, then you might have permission issues with powerlink. Please send an E-mail to to get the issue resolved permanently.

216 Posts

December 19th, 2011 08:00


We can migrate the data from one cluster to another using process called "C2C", the process is normally carried out by EMC Professional Services. Before migration the Consistency of the data in the cluster is first checked by process called as "IC or Integrity Checker" once the IC is complete then migration process begins.



December 19th, 2011 18:00

Hi Satish,

Thanks for the information. Could you please give little insight about C2C process.Does it involves disc copy and things like those?

Secondly I want to know the time requirement for this process as in our case source data is over 5TB.Your help is much appreciated. Thanks Madhav

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