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10 Posts


July 11th, 2022 15:00

How to use Dell Powermax Rest API to set NTP settings?

I've looked at numerous documents that discuss the powermax rest api, but most are not infrastructure friendly imo and I didn't find anything in there that referenced configuring something like setting NTP?  I am able to connect to the unisphere mgmt endpoint and the individual array and do a get, but i'm not sure which endpoint to hit to configure ntp or what the json body should look like that i'm sending.  I'm using the uri module in ansible for this, since it didn't appear to be possible to use Dell Powermax module.  Any examples or useful docs would be appreciated.

1 Rookie


79 Posts

July 13th, 2022 00:00

Hi @travelerdb ,

Could you please clarify if you are using the servieability tab to configure the ntp server?  Currently there is no PowerMax REST api support for the serviceability api's. It will be implemented in the upcoming releases.

The PowerMax api documentation can be referred from, an example here -



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