
3 Posts


June 8th, 2022 01:00

m15 R6, cannot update AWCC

It just can't. I uninstalled it how it say on Dell support. No step missed deleted everything and last updated downloaded manually but still can't launch the install. I had to install the prior update.



26.5K Posts

June 8th, 2022 01:00

Hello, I see you are looking for technical assistance. If you need our help, you can start a private/direct message with us and we will be happy to assist you.

Community Manager


55.8K Posts

June 8th, 2022 03:00

Your verbiage is confusing. You state update which would imply that AWCC is currently installed and you are trying to update it from within itself? Or do you mean that you cannot install AWCC version as shown on the m15 R6 drivers page?


3 Posts

June 8th, 2022 04:00

It asked on launch to download update.

It didnt work then on this forum ive found an admin saying to install it manualy from what you showed me, it was stuck in the installing the same way, then another post with another mod said that if it happen to follow the tutorial to unistall it and reinstall but i cant reinstall it with the last version, i had to install the previous one for it to work

1 Rookie


18 Posts

June 9th, 2022 10:00


I have the same problem with my Alienware x15. I cannot update to Alienware Command Center (AWCC) 5.5.0

I have tried almost everything.

If I do a clean install, the installer just get's stuck.

Maybe I found the reason? I just received a post, that the update is connected to the Microsoft Store. 

The German Microsoft store is not offering the Alienware Command Center. Might this be the reason, why the AWCC 5.5.0 cannot be installed on my Laptop?


Best regards


1 Rookie


2 Posts

June 10th, 2022 04:00

The same issue here. Installation of on a fresh and clean system is not possible.
Installer stucks with no response:


Another pice of bad DELL ALIENWARE software. This is not the first time and I am getting realy dissapointed from DELL.


1 Rookie


18 Posts

June 11th, 2022 06:00

Hello Chris,

maybe I can answer that for you, as I have the same issue:

A) If I download the version 5.5.0 from the driver page I have the same issue with the update, as described by simgarine (Karsten). The Alienwarepopup appears, but there is no progress, however long I wait.
B) If I completely remove the AWCC (following the Dell guides), I have the same issue as described in A)
C) If I open AWCC it offers an update. If I click on "Download", this it also is a never ending story. The update never finsishes.

This issue is really enoying. I hope Dell can provide a fix soon.

Best regards


AWCC Update PopupAWCC Update PopupAWCC Update IconAWCC Update Icon

June 13th, 2022 09:00

Hi, this is not a solution, i just want to say im having these same problem of this endless update on AWCC for 2 months ago, looking for solutions and there are not working for me (everything step by step and nothing), i live on LATAM and i buyed this on USA, so i know im not getting the 100% Dell support experience but at least give us a hint to SOLVE this problem, we are paying a big amount of cash for premium devices and when this things happen is just dissapointing... hope someone solve this thing rn...

3 Posts

June 13th, 2022 13:00

No idea where i could send that, still someone would may be solved this problem and helped me

7 Technologist


6.1K Posts

June 13th, 2022 13:00

Hi @Tenebros welcome to this free user to user Alienware laptop discussion forum. This is not Dell Support. 

If there is no good reason to update the Dell AWCC application, retain the factory AWCC version and ignore all AWCC updates. Be thankful that your factory AWCC version works. 

1 Rookie


18 Posts

June 30th, 2022 08:00

Hello Bronze,

sadly the problem still seems not to be solved. I still have the issue on my Alienware X15.

Best regards




17.1K Posts

July 22nd, 2022 09:00


Where you able to install updates using the application?

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