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July 8th, 2021 20:00

17 R4, kb backlight

I have an Alienware 17 R4. my keyboard backlight is not working. Is there a setting perhaps where I can look to see what the issue is?

Thanks, Joe

7 Technologist


6.1K Posts

July 9th, 2021 10:00

Hi @Joemontana57  thank you for sharing update and additional information. 

OK, you have watched the AWCC video and can see how to change the keyboard backlighting. But this option was not there on your 17 R4? Perhaps the keyboard backlight is not connected. 

The KB-BL keyboard backlight's flat flexible circuit cable could have been disturbed when bottom cover was removed and wants reseating into its motherboard connector? 

The KB-BL connector on the motherboard has a plastic wedge which is captivated in the connector body, so do not try and remove it (see image). Gently lift the wedge a little, and reseat the KB-BL cable (see image). There is a white line on the KB-BL cable which shows if the cable is been fully seated (see image). WARNING: If this cable connector on the motherboard gets broken, you will have to buy a replacement motherboard. 

Please click on Kudos to say thank you for response from user that is not employed by Dell. Please share an update on progress, so that other users derive benefit from your experience. Thank you. 


7 Technologist


6.1K Posts

July 9th, 2021 05:00

Hi @Joemontana57  welcome to this user to user discussion forum. This is not Dell Support. 

Presume your 17 R4 model has keyboard backlights, although your opening post did not confirm that these have previously worked. 

The keyboard backlight is controlled by AlienFX, to toggle AlienFX off and on, press key combination fn + f12. 

If the toggle AlienFX does not work, check that Alienware Command Center (AWCC) for Notebooks has been installed and open  AWCC FX tab, to enable the keyboard backlight option. The enable touchpad backlight option is in BIOS. 

Alienware Command Center Quick Guide  

Test your system lights using the AlienwareAlienFXTester  

Please click on Kudos to say thank you for response from user that is not employed by Dell. Please share an update on progress, so that other users derive benefit from your experience. Thank you. 

July 9th, 2021 06:00

Sorry, some further data points I should have included in my original post.

Yes, the kb backlight used to work on all the keys.

Yesterday, I noticed it was only working on the left hand macro keys


It *may* be working now, but I'll have to wait until it's dark to tell for sure. 

If it isn't, exactly what do do do in AlienFX to control the backlight? I've been looking and trying things, but don't see a slider or anything obvious like that. The two sliders that I see are labeled Tempo and Action Duration. Does the control have anything to do with them?



July 9th, 2021 21:00

It's working again, dont know if I did something or it just had glitched out.



July 9th, 2021 21:00

"OK, you have watched the AWCC video and can see how to change the keyboard backlighting. But this option was not there on your 17 R4?"


Not quite, I watched the AWCC video but did not see how to change the keyboard backlighting. But it's working now!

7 Technologist


6.1K Posts

July 9th, 2021 22:00

Hi @Joemontana57  how to change the keyboard lighting starts at 2:34 of the 4:57 video. This section starts with a visual splash effect and the commentary "Lets go to the keyboard and play with the keyboard colour options". 

This video is generic, there is an element of play to see what AWCC options are available on your specific system. Do not click on the dark mode option that disables all LED lighting, you may not get the LED lighting back. Dell needs to work on fixing their AWCC AlienFX programming code. 

July 9th, 2021 22:00

Thank you very much!

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