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September 5th, 2014 16:00

Two Beeps Confirm that X51-R1 Mobo is Working?

I'm running an X51-R1 with Windows 7 that is having no post / no video issues (the lights and fans work). After going through the troubleshooting articles and completing the tests that I have the tools for, I took my computer to a PC repair shop for diagnostics. They said that the problem is a motherboard failure.

However, during one of my tests (removing RAM), I got a 2-beep code from the computer, which is the code for missing RAM. Do these beeps mean that my motherboard is working? I'd rather not pay for a replacement if the motherboard isn't the problem.

(If additional details help, my computer got a BSOD while I was listening to music. On my next power up, it was no video, no post. I've tried these tests: I reset CMOS with the green jumper pins, reseated the RAM, reseated the video card, removed the wireless card and optical drive. The only test that resulted in a change was removing the RAM. I'm sure that my monitor and cords work because I tested them with my laptop. After taking my computer to the repair shop, it now starts up the lights and fan as soon as I plug in the power cord.)

Any answers or suggestions much appreciated. Thanks!

1.8K Posts

September 10th, 2014 08:00

Hi malyze,

I recommend you do a power drain by following these steps:

  1. Turn the system off.
  2. Disconnect power chord.
  3. Press and hold power button for 30 seconds.
  4. Reconnect and turn back on.

Try testing each of the RAM modules and memory slots individually to check if a defective port or memory stick is causing the problem. 

Let me know how it goes!

2 Posts

September 11th, 2014 17:00

Hi Naomi,

Thank you for the suggestions. I tried a power drain, and it was still no video / no post.

Next I tried testing each port with each stick of RAM. It seemed to do something odd with the power. The computer started as soon as I plugged in the power cord, then after about 20 seconds, it turned off. And after another 10 seconds, it turned on again by itself. It cycled through this pattern a few times. The only thing that seemed to vary was the fan speed. Sometimes it was pretty quiet, other times it sounded like a landing airplane. When I went back to two sticks of RAM, the computer turned itself on automatically, but it stopped turning itself off.

I'm still very perplexed. Do you think this sounds like more of a power supply issue?

Thank you again for your help!

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