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This post is more than 5 years old



July 3rd, 2017 07:00

Pixelated screen at boot

Hello People

I have posted before on the piece of *"$#% this Aurora R6 computer is, and even if they have replaced the CPU, GPU, RAM, Motherboard i am still having problems with it.

Service Center is refusing to replace it and so it seems i am one of the suckers who will be left with the defective units from the bunch.   If anyone knows what might be causing this screen at boot please let me know


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47K Posts

July 3rd, 2017 07:00

This is physical Damage not related to OS per se.  Aka corrupted hard drive.

No post means lots of things are "bad"   If the screen gets to this via F2 Bios then you have to start there.

I would try removing data cable from hard drive and see if it POSTs with bad hard drive message.

You didn't say what Model exactly or what OS or when the warranty expired.

There are Variations on this theme.  F12 CSM booting a Linux DVD can test the hardware.

Hard Drive corruption can be physical or malware or invalid driver related.


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