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November 21st, 2013 21:00

B.S.O.D on Alienware AURORA R4

I am stuck. After a series of recent updates to Windows 7 and two BIOS update to A9 and then A10 - I am getting a BSOD. Sometimes the OS is able to run for a few hours, sometimes all day, or only a few minutes. The BSOD only shows for a brief moment (1 sec) then reboots. Not long enough to retreive and error code. I have rolled back to a restore point from 4 weeks ago, and removed BIOS A10 to A09. However this still occurs.

Any suggestions?

I have tried to access the DELL PC Diagnostics self help hyperlinks on both the US and Canadian sites....but I continue to get an error message from both the DELL sites, that it was unable to complete the tasks. Neither the Full Scan or Symptoms tabs run a full cycle on my PC.

What else should I try?

Help! :)


1 Rookie


16 Posts

November 28th, 2013 18:00

I had this problem. reported it to Dell and never heard back.  It's the eRST driver.  Your best bet is to uninstall it, and ensure you get on the Microsoft SATA disk driver (assuming you're not in a RAID config).  Check the storage controller version before you uninstall it to know you made a change, because uninstalling the RST package from add/remove programs will not change the driver in the device manager. 

You will know you've done this right when you see your storage controller under a header for IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers.  You lose nothing by testing this, and Dell will just send someone out to throw parts at the machine for a software issue.

8 Wizard


17K Posts

November 28th, 2013 22:00

I had this problem. reported it to Dell and never heard back.  It's the eRST driver.  Your best bet is to uninstall it, and ensure you get on the Microsoft SATA disk driver (assuming you're not in a RAID config).  Check the storage controller version before you uninstall it to know you made a change, because uninstalling the RST package from add/remove programs will not change the driver in the device manager. 


You will know you've done this right when you see your storage controller under a header for IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers.  You lose nothing by testing this, and Dell will just send someone out to throw parts at the machine for a software issue.

Good to see someone else posting about this. This was my experience with Intel-RST as well. Uninstalling Intel-RST only un-installed the front-end interface. The core HDD driver stayed behind. I've seen some strange problems while running Intel-RST or after upgrading to a latest version. I've also killed systems trying to revert the driver (luckily I had an Acronis Image before it was installed). These were really more of controlled experiments.
I use the Microsoft supplied AHCI Windows driver on my Win7-64 systems now. With or without SSD. I don't run RAIDs on desktop systems (no need to really with SSDs).
This is why a clean Windows install (without Intel RST) fixes problems sometimes. Not a Dell Restore ... a fresh install, chipset drivers, then rest of drivers. See my Favorite Threads.

10 Elder


46K Posts

November 21st, 2013 21:00

Moving this thread to the Alienware Owners Club Forum, here:


8 Wizard


17K Posts

November 21st, 2013 22:00

First step is to see what BSOD is saying.

Install, config, and use BlueScreenView.



5 Posts

November 24th, 2013 17:00

Thank-you. But I'm not experienced to utilize this information. If you can guide the process that would be great.

112413-17362-01.dmp 24/11/2013 1:27:17 AM KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED 0x0000001e 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 iaStorA.sys iaStorA.sys+80604     x64 ntoskrnl.exe+75b90  24/11/2013 1:29:13 AM  291,800   C:\Windows\Minidump\112413-17362-01.dmp 12 15 7601 

112213-19094-01.dmp 22/11/2013 8:04:32 AM KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED 0x0000001e 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 iaStorA.sys iaStorA.sys+80604     x64 ntoskrnl.exe+75b90  22/11/2013 8:06:33 AM  291,800   C:\Windows\Minidump\112213-19094-01.dmp 12 15 7601 

iaStorA.sys iaStorA.sys+80604 fffff880`01088000 fffff880`0170e000 0x00686000 0x5021378e 07/08/2012 8:43:10 AM      

ntoskrnl.exe ntoskrnl.exe+6d5be fffff800`03406000 fffff800`039eb000 0x005e5000 0x521ea035 28/08/2013 6:13:25 PM Microsoft® Windows® Operating System NT Kernel & System 6.1.7601.18247 (win7sp1_gdr.130828-1532) Microsoft Corporation C:\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe 

nvlddmkm.sys nvlddmkm.sys+2164ab fffff880`0f60d000 fffff880`10244000 0x00c37000 0x52676afe 22/10/2013 11:21:50 PM      

8 Wizard


17K Posts

November 24th, 2013 18:00

Are you under Dell warranty ?

Have you checked your hard-drives?

Do you have Intel-RST installed?

5 Posts

November 24th, 2013 19:00


Yes it is still under warranty.

I have run CHDSK twice. No errors to report.

Im not familiar with Intel RST though? More info...



5 Posts

November 24th, 2013 19:00


8 Wizard


17K Posts

November 24th, 2013 20:00

I would start troubleshooting with these 2 sub-systems.

iaStorA.sys - Intel Storage driver

nvlddmkm.sys - nVidia video card

8 Wizard


17K Posts

November 24th, 2013 20:00

I just asked is Intel-RST was already installed.

I DID NOT want you to (or ask you to) install it ... if it wasn't already installed.

Hard-drives should be tested with more thorough software. Dell PSA is a good place to start. Crystal DiskInfo reads SMART pretty nice. Both WesternDigital and Seagate have tools.

I would call Dell and use the free warranty support you paid for.

2 Intern


757 Posts

November 25th, 2013 02:00

Your windows updates may have corrupted your video card drivers, or you may have updated your video card drivers causing the problem.

try removing the video card drivers, clean out the registers with a software program like "System Mechanic," restart the computer and let windows install the proper video driver. If that works then go back and reinstall newer video card drivers from Vedic card web site.

5 Posts

November 29th, 2013 19:00


That totally worked. System is back to normal. I had the similiar issue with DELL. I reported the problem to them, and no advice or assistance provided. No callback either. VERY dissappointed. Whats the point in advertising DELL Support when there is NONE. And my issue was reported under a valid warranty program on my I guess the warranty I paid extra for, is [ADMIN NOTE: Substitute characters deleted as per TOU] too.

Oh well...thanks to all who posted for the help.

Very cool!


1 Rookie


16 Posts

November 30th, 2013 04:00

I'm glad it worked for you.  If you need software help, unfortunately, this is the industry standard.  Your warranty is not useless because if you do have a hardware problem, you know Dell will next day out a tech to fix it.    Is it ideal? no.  Still worth something IMO.

Dell for the love of all that is holy.  Please remove the eRST drivers from the system, tell people the x79 chipsets have problems with these drivers, and guide people to proper removal, or installation of non-RST drivers.  Someone can get a great KCS from this.

Enjoy your pc.


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