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May 1st, 2017 13:00

AW15 R3 AMD RX470 vBios - Can anyone provide it?

Hi, so it turns out that I accidentally screwed up my GPU's vbios and now it won't work. I've tried anything humanly possible software-wise, but it just doesn't want to work - even if the machine detects it. I believe I need the original vBios in order to flash it, and unfortunately it's basically impossible to get it on the web, since clearly this machine isn't very popular next to the nVidia models. Could anyone provide with the .rom file or any other solution, please? I will attach the vBios extracted from GPU-Z that basically has the GPU bricked, along with an info screenshot taken from AtiFlash. Any cooperation will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

2 Attachments

3 Apprentice


4.4K Posts

May 3rd, 2017 15:00

Attached ROM for the vBIOS, hope it helps. 

2 Attachments

3 Apprentice


4.4K Posts

May 2nd, 2017 08:00

Hi ‌,

I will escalate this and see if I can get you the vBios. I'll let you know!

7 Posts

May 2nd, 2017 12:00

Thanks! I was genuinely desperate for an answer, I hope you can get it! 

7 Posts

May 3rd, 2017 16:00

It's working! Words cannot express how happy I am right now. Thanks A LOT! 

3 Apprentice


4.4K Posts

May 4th, 2017 07:00

You're welcome

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