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This post is more than 5 years old


July 3rd, 2017 10:00

Aurora R6 Side Lights Do Not Light Up

I just bought an Aurora R6 last week.  Out of the box the side panel and front light were not on when first booted.  I removed the side panel to check connection and then replaced it.  After which  which the lights worked on boot up and changed with command center.  However, next time the tower was rebooted, again the lights were not on.  Removed side panel again and lights came on but could not be changed using command center.  Rebooted again, tower lights again go out.


Power off and discharge

Updated all drivers including BIOs

Completely removed command center and reinstalled with latest. Rebooting between uninstall and after install.

I'm seeing others with lighting issues, is this a common R6 issue? What else can be done to fix the lights?

8 Wizard


17K Posts

July 3rd, 2017 12:00

Is Alienware Command Center v4.6.2.0 installed and working (other than the lights)? For instance, check Thermal Controller.


See the accepted answer here for best settings:



July 3rd, 2017 13:00

Tried changing setting to match the settings in - Aurora R6 keeps going to sleep.  Rebooted, still no lights.  Fan does not seem to be an issue. 

Also, tried the ailenware FX Tester. It fails on the first step since lights do not illuminate red. 

July 3rd, 2017 13:00

Command center is at v4.6.2.0.  Thermal Controller appears to be working.  All values are registering and changing independently.  

8 Wizard


17K Posts

July 10th, 2017 13:00

Try a clean-install of AW-CC v4.6.2.0

- Uninstall and reboot

- Reinstall, config and test


If that doesn't work, you might have a hardware failure. Too bad ePSA doesn't test the lights (outside Windows).

1 Rookie


5 Posts

July 10th, 2017 20:00

Sounds like the same problem I had after installing v4.6.2.0. After installing it the side lights would light briefly after waking the PC, then would go out. This was what fixed it for me (you have to right click on the little alien head for the menu to open):

No Events found!
