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August 11th, 2013 10:00

alienware m17x r3 plugged in, not charging

hello all.


a couple of weeks ago, I unplugged the laptop from the charger and took it to the living room to track some information.  the battery said it was 100% charged.  about 30 minutes later I heard the battery beep for low charge left.  the battery indicator said it had 56% left, but it ended up only having 7%.  

since that point, the laptop will not significantly charge.  here's what I've tried:

  • alien autopsy - the battery passed the test
  • charger - ordered a new charger.  this did not help
  • cleaned the connector inside the laptop.  this did not help
  • shut the computer off, unplugged battery and a/c charger, held down the power button, then reinstalled the battery and charger.  nothing changed.
  • uninstalled the ACPI compliant battery thing, and let the system find hardware changes.  nothing changed.

it sounds like the battery, except 1.  the battery passed the diagnostic test in alien autopsy, and 2.  I see that this is a problem far beyond alienware (I googled 'plugged in, not charging) and saw the same with many different laptop brands.

today, the battery is at 8%.  the laptop works fine when plugged into the wall.  the battery indicator says 'plugged in, charging', but it isn't. if I unplug the a/c adapter and then plug it back in, the battery indicator acts like it's charging for about 10 seconds, then settles back down to the low battery indicator. 

I sure would appreciate any advice you might have.  thanks all.  

7 Posts

August 17th, 2013 15:00

thank you both.  turns out it was the battery.  ordered a new one, and it's up to 29% charging.   I will likely sell this one, and buy a new alienware 18... once it goes on sale :)

2K Posts

August 11th, 2013 20:00

Hi detour21,

It is unfortunate that the computer is not being charged. There is a possibility that the battery or motherboard might have failed.

Request you to try using a known good battery (if available) and check if it works. If the issue gets fixed then replace the battery. If the issue still persists then the motherboard may have to be replaced.  Also you may check if the AC Adaptor is getting detected in BIOS (F2 at startup).

You may use the below link and check the warranty status:  

If the computer is out of warranty you may contact the out of warranty repairs team on 18002884410 (U.S only). They will check and provide you the options.

If the computer is in warranty do send me the system service tag via private message. I will check and see what can be done.

To send a private message, click on my user name and select start conversation.

August 13th, 2013 17:00

Hi Detour21,

Great troubleshooting done there!

If you have an active warranty and you live in the US or Canada, send me a private message to help you out.

7 Posts

August 14th, 2013 06:00

thanks dude - but computer is out of warranty in May.  checked the BIOS - it seems to know the battery/charger are there.  drained battery to 0, it has begun to charge, 3% up to 8%, but I have to head to work now.  will check when I get home to see if it kept going or not, but right now it seems to have stopped at 8%.  may just get a new battery and try that, but if it doesn't hold a charge with a new battery, i'm all out of options I know how to do.  thanks for touching base!

2K Posts

August 14th, 2013 22:00

Hi detour21,

Thank you for performing the above steps. As I mentioned in my previous response either battery or motherboard is failed. Request you to try using a known good battery (if available). If this doesn’t work then you will have to contact the out of warranty team to get motherboard replaced.

7 Posts

August 17th, 2013 15:00

still baffling that the old battery passed the alien autopsy test, though...

August 17th, 2013 16:00

Well normally batteries tend to endure a couple of years, it depends if you leave the computer with the charger plugged in even if you're not using it. Hope you have no further problems!

1 Message

August 26th, 2013 08:00

I am only jumping in on this conversation because for three years now I have dealt on and off, more often than not, of seeing 'plugged in but not charging' on my M17X. It's a major pain! When it first happened, a month after receiving the computer, tech support sent a rep with a new battery and charger. Was good to go for a couple months then it all started again. Bios was updated, motherboard was worked on, internal plug opening is not broken or dislodged and this always continue to happen. The FN/F2 option doesn't always work either and when I say doesn't work I mean it doesn't even open or show up on the screen to toggle between the three choices.

There are times I would like to unplug the laptop and move somewhere around the house with it but I find every time it's unplugged even, whether I am charging it or just using AC power? BOOM, there comes the 'plugged in not charging issue' again. It's extremely aggravating when this issue comes up and I haven't unplugged it, nor moved it nor had a lack of power running into the computer. I just happen to notice the battery status at the bottom of the screen, for no reason. Last night was the last straw and why I am posting my complaint. I have or had the battery disabled, using only AC power and during a game it tells me, out of the blue, 'plugged in, not charging' and the toggle switch, again, would not open. I restarted and the toggles came back BUT it is still telling me not not charging. Tech support gives me the same answers over and over again. 

I've seen so many answers of removing the battery and putting it back in and such...REALLY is this a bonafide answer to a laptop that costs as much as it does? It's not like this is a featherlight lappy to be just turned over and remove said battery either.  It's a pain, especially when using the laptop for gaming or school classes. WHY can't this issue be fixed? Something clearly is wrong since there are so many complaints over this.

Any replies would be appreciated.

August 26th, 2013 10:00

Hi Mystwolfe,

Checkout this article for the troubleshooting done for this issue. Also, this article might help you know what parts normally we replace on laptops. If you want, add me as a friend and send me your service tag through a private message.

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