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July 21st, 2014 14:00

Alienware 14 lighting problems

I've had my new Alienware 14 laptop for about a year and just recently the AlienFX lighting hasn't been working. The lights turn on for about 2 seconds when I turn the laptop on and then they go off the same thing happens when I plug in or unplug my external mouse. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the Alienware command center and I updated the BIOS on my computer and I did a clean boot, but nothing seems to work please help. Thanks.

1.8K Posts

July 22nd, 2014 16:00

Hi Blutz135 and Svetlinivanov,

Try the troubleshooting steps in this article and let me know the results.

July 22nd, 2014 05:00

I have absolutely same problem on my alienware 18 . Nothing is working , and other thing from dell don't givbe me any solutions . Dell warranty is not so good . Nothing is lighting on my laptop ,all stop lighting at once .(before work all pretty good ) . The loptop is 30 days old .......

3 Posts

July 22nd, 2014 19:00

Thanks this actually fixed the problem. I don't think I would have ever found this article if you hadn't posted it. Again, Thanks for the help. :)

July 23rd, 2014 06:00

Hi .All things that you write I try and nothing help to me .

Other thing I call a service from dell to my home ,they worked 5 (five) hours and too still not clean my problem .

What to do .a Dell alienware 18 is 30 days old and have such a factory problem .

Other worst thing is that dell don't know what to do .

I want to change it for new laptop ......

No good service at all.

1.8K Posts

July 24th, 2014 19:00

No problem Blutz135, I'm glad I was able to help!

Hi .All things that you write I try and nothing help to me .


Other thing I call a service from dell to my home ,they worked 5 (five) hours and too still not clean my problem .


What to do .a Dell alienware 18 is 30 days old and have such a factory problem .


Other worst thing is that dell don't know what to do .


I want to change it for new laptop ......


No good service at all.

Svetlinivanov, if the issue persists after the troubleshooting, it means that there might be a hardware issue. I recommend you get in touch with Tech Support again to request the replacement.

1 Message

September 25th, 2014 14:00

I have the same problem and my laptop is about 60 days old and looked after very well. it goes light for about 2seconds and then disables. the mouse does stay on though. the laptop did work fine for the first 30days.

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