This post is more than 5 years old

9 Posts


July 29th, 2018 09:00

Aurora-R7, AIO cooler noise when idle

Noticed a slight but very audible ticking sound with a new R7.  Is this common with the AIO?  With the previous R3 it runs totally silent, hence the question.

The other possibility is the 850W PSU.  From posts a while back it does not look like a Delta unit (philips screw used near the reset button as mentioned in the previous discussions).

Have not taken up the issue with Dell yet.  Just asking for some feedback.  Thanks

8 Wizard


17K Posts

July 29th, 2018 10:00

@MyR3x wrote:

1. Noticed a slight but very audible ticking sound with a new R7.  

2. Is this common with the AIO?  With the previous R3 it runs totally silent, hence the question.

3. The other possibility is the 850W PSU.  From posts a while back it does not look like a Delta unit (philips screw used near the reset button as mentioned in the previous discussions).


1. You should probably isolate the noise better than that.

2. No. However, they are mass-produced and they do have moving parts.

3. Right. My guess was all the HuntKey-850w really needed was a proper fan (with better bearings). I'm not sure why it took 3 years to make that change in manufacturing.

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9 Posts

July 30th, 2018 09:00

Thank you.  Grateful for your time.

2 Intern


402 Posts

October 25th, 2018 07:00

Old thread I know, but my R7 also has a ticking noise.  I don't believe it's the PSU as I've listened to it with the side panel off.  It appears to be most noticeable when listening close to the upper air vent where the radiator and pump are located.  That leads me to believe it's the AIO.

Sometimes the ticking noise subsides; other times it's noticeable.  Kind of annoying if you ask me.



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