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13 Nachrichten


March 24th, 2023 06:00

Creating an SUU with DRM for linux is very outdated

Hi all

I am trying to create a SUU with DRM (v3.4.3.869) for linux (and windows). It works so far, no problem. But the created SUU is very very outdated! The "SUU_readme.txt" file shows me "Version 20.03.00/Release Date March 2020". Also the update utility for linux is the old one which is written in java (not the new one in GTK i think).

Am i doing something wrong or is that the case? How can i create a actual SUU with the new GTK updater?



2.3K Nachrichten

March 27th, 2023 00:00

Hello, as far as I can see from here https://dell.to/3GhnOur , you are using the latest DRM. I  found SUU version 22.11.00 from here. Please try this. And check out these links. Dell Server Update Utility, Windows 64 Bit Format, v.22.11.00 | Treiberdetails | Dell Deutschland

How to create a SUU (Server Update Utility) and a bootable ISO file within DRM | Dell Deutschland

  • Launch DRM and select Create Deployment Tools from the Home tab.
  • Select Server Update Utility from the drop-down menu and click Next.
  • Select the repository that contains the updates you want to include in the SUU and click Next.
  • Select the operating systems that you want to support in the SUU and click Next.
  • Review the summary and click Create to start creating the SUU.
  • Once the SUU is created, you can find it in the Deployment Tools folder under your repository folder.
  • To create a bootable ISO file, select Bootable ISO from the drop-down menu in step 2 and follow the same steps as above.

13 Nachrichten

March 27th, 2023 01:00

Thank you very much for your reply!

Can you please guide me on how to find "Create Deployment Tools"?DRM.jpg

I can not find it in the Home-Tab.



2.3K Nachrichten

March 27th, 2023 02:00

Hi, I can recommend to follow up this video it will be better to useful https://dell.to/3nmAj19

13 Nachrichten

March 27th, 2023 04:00

Hi, I created the SUU exactly as described in the video:


The readme shows this. May be this is only a cosmetic thing and the Firmware/Bios-Updates are new. But also the update utility for linux is the old one which is written in java.

My question is:

How can i create a SUU which is similar to the official SUU from here (with the new non java update utility): https://www.dell.com/support/home/de-ch/drivers/driversdetails?driverid=dd34w&oscode=rhel8



2.3K Nachrichten

March 27th, 2023 06:00

You made a good point, although I'm not 100% sure, frankly, it seems like a cosmetic issue to me. I couldn't find any information about it. Maybe DSU (Dell system update) can be used for this. normally it has more options than SUU. You can have a look at this. https://dell.to/42HEHYE


Dell System Update Version User’s Guide https://dell.to/40ig0k0

13 Nachrichten

March 30th, 2023 02:00

Thanks, but i think DSU is for updating the servers online via internet. But i need an SUU to update the servers offline. I think it is better to get in touch with the DRM-Team and aks they if this can be fixed in the DRM.

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