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2 Posts


September 28th, 2021 21:00

XPS 15 9500, randomly restarts, does not recognize charger after shut down

Hi all,

I purchased a Dell xps 15 9500 last August, and it worked great until around December, when I started to notice that if I put my computer into sleep mode at all, shut it down, or hibernated it, the computer would repeatedly restart at random times during the boot process after turning the machine back on. Recently, the issue is happening more and more intensely (e.g. more restarts required for usability). Notably, the issue only occurs if the computer has been shut down for a while, like a couple hours or so - a quick reboot does not lead to this problem.

The restarts happen very early in the boot process at the start, but then start occurring later and later into the cycle. Usually, I can finally use the machine after about 8 of these restarts. However, when the restarts do complete, the computer always fails to recognize its own USB-C charger. For a while, I had a fix of uninstalling the driver for both the AC Adapter and ACPI-Compliant Control Method Battery followed by a final reboot (unplugging the charger - having the charger plugged in made the restart pointless). This was kind of an awful work flow, but I have made it work for a couple months.


October 7th, 2021 10:00

I have the same problems. My system gets stuck in an endless reboot when I start it up. sometimes over 20 times. Sometimes it comes to the login screen and reboots, sometimes I'm already in windows starting up apps and it reboots again, and again and again. 

When it comes to the charging, my device will only charge when I turn it off. I have had endless conversations with technical support, really hours after hours of the same thing. Sometimes they give me a fix but then the same problems occurs after a few days and technical support sends me down the same numbers of tests so I have given up.

11 Posts

October 7th, 2021 10:00

I am also having this issue. It's incredibly frustrating. My machine never used to do this so I refuse to believe that the motherboard has just randomly broken?

The laptop also will crash after being woken from sleep if it has been in sleep mode for a while (more than 30 mins) and when it comes back on it isn't able to charge at all until properly shut down and started back up again.

This seems to have started after the most recent bios update for me. However uninstalling the update and rolling back the bios to previous version doesn't seem to make a difference. Please can someone get back to me with a (possible) solution for this issue as I am a university student and rely on my laptop heavily and cannot afford for this to happen and corrupt any work I may be working on.

11 Posts

October 25th, 2021 10:00

Same is happening to me - is there a fix for this yet it's incredibly frustrating!  - I'm thinking about switchin to Mac 

2 Posts

October 25th, 2021 11:00

I'm hoping it's a Windows sleep issue that will be resolved when I update to Windows 11, but I have my doubts.

11 Posts

October 25th, 2021 11:00

According to some of the Reddit posts I found upgrading to windows 11 doesn't fix the issue - some people are even having the issue on Linux.

5 Posts

October 28th, 2021 08:00

I have the same reboot issue and on top of that, i have a charging issue.

Actually, with this XPS 15-9500, I've had both the worst laptop and worst customer service I ever had. I'm so mad I switched from Mac to this, reading and thinking that Dell would be as reliable as Apple. 

Indeed, my laptop won't charge unless the battery drains completely. Once it's drained, i unplug it, then re-plug it and it will finally start charging. Usually, after that, i cross my fingers for stability until i have to shut down, put to sleep or unplug it. When i do so, the constant reboot and no-charging issues cycle starts again. 

My XPS 15-9500 is less then a year old and, so far, I had heat, crash after waking up from sleep mode, no-charging and random reboot issues.. Dell changed, the fans, heat sink, motherboard twice (the charging issue happened after first motherboard swap) until they finally accepted to exchange the laptop entirely.

Yet, this is not finished. It's been five weeks since i requested tech support. It took 2 weeks to agree to the exchange. They said the exchange department would contact me within 10 to 15 days. Three weeks later, after douzains of non-answered emails to pro tech support team and the Useless-Dell-(not)Cares-team, I called to know what is going on. I learned that the request to exchange department had been rejected because of a mistake of the pro support department. Of course, nobody told me that before i called. 

Now, the (not)Pro-Tech-Support team re-submitted the exchange request and told me that i will be contacted by the Exchange Departement within 10 to 15 (working) days... (Ha ha!). The Exchange Department will try to find a refurbished laptop that might match, or not, the specs of the junk-laptop i bought and will ship it within 60 (working) days!!!! So, if I'm lucky, I'll have to wait another 3 months... to solve my problem. That is if the refurbished computer is functional.. 

Meanwhile the Useless-Dell-(not)Cares-team was answering that they are personally checking this and will let me know when they get an answer. Even Joe, the supervisor, told me he would personally take care of this... Ha ha ha.....

This purchase has been a nightmare..... I'm so frustrated

1 Message

December 26th, 2021 03:00

I have the same problem here. Seeing all the complaints above registered around the same time, it does seem to be an update (software) issue. Has anything been done yet?

December 28th, 2021 01:00


I made an account specifically for this, so allow me to sing you the song of my people.

First of all, allow me to introduce myself:

> neofetch --stdout
OS: Manjaro Linux x86_64
Host: Precision 5550
Kernel: 5.16.0-1-MANJARO
Uptime: 14 mins
Packages: 1296 (pacman)
Shell: zsh 5.8
Resolution: 1920x1200
WM: i3
Theme: Adapta-Nokto-Eta-Maia [GTK2/3]
Icons: Papirus-Adapta-Nokto-Maia [GTK2/3]
Terminal: urxvt
Terminal Font: 9x15,xft
CPU: Intel i7-10875H (16) @ 5.100GHz
GPU: Intel CometLake-H GT2 [UHD Graphics]
GPU: NVIDIA Quadro T2000 Mobile / Max-Q
Memory: 1901MiB / 31846MiB

All components were supplied by the company I work for, from an authorized Dell dealer from Netherlands. No under the table stuff here, sir. Of course, being me, I place myself outside of support (by vendor, software, or a higher power) as soon as I can, courtesy of being a troublesome Linux boy. This is good - toughens you up, even if you see some scary stuff along the way.

I noticed this problem a couple of days ago, first associating it with low voltage coming from the power socket (this is an old house, in western Ukraine, during winter, so voltage problems aren't uncommon at all). Observations recorded with this in mind:

  • The reboots occurred with the AC adapter plugged in. Plugging it out discharges the battery, but avoids the problem (until your battery dies down).
  • Charger wasn't too warm to the touch, nor made funny noises. I've had some of them shooting fire at me and burning my floor (not Dell chargers mind you).
  • LED indicator on the AC adapter shows a live power feed, but..
  • The LED indicator located on the base of the laptop (just below the touchpad) shows it's not charging. Software also shows it's discharging gradually, leading me to suspect adapter.
  • Wiggling the USB-C charger a bit in the port, supporting it by various tabletop items seemed to fix the problem, but only sometimes. Mechanical failure didn't seem likely.

Having no adapter replacement, I resolved to resolve my woes by means of software. Steps taken:

  • Running powertop, inxi, tlp, and various other tools for diagnostics, I was prepared to blame either battery for random spikes or adapter for being a conniving woman and not supplying enough voltage.
  • Dutifully notifying the powers that be (meaning sysadmins, keeping in mind it's Christmas, which means they'd likely have Jacob Marley over for chatting), I proceeded to turn to the Dell support resource.
  • Remembering back, I first noticed the problem occur after a kernel bump to 5.16. I'm not _sure_ if this is relevant, but I imagine (since the Precision line supports kernel updates through software) that it could be. Hence, I resolved to see if downgrading to a different kernel might be the cause.
  • Finding no solace in this way, I simply resolved to google, finding this sordid ballad of woe without answer. Instead, I delved deeper - to BIOS, to some diagnostics there. I noticed I was running 1.6.1 here.
  • The first result from here was that the adapter wasn't recognized, which was nice to know but not particularly helpful.
  • With some hesitation, I then began to set up a BIOS update using the latest drivers.
  • After a BIOS update, and a quick change to nether garments, the problems (at this point in, 20 minutes after this time of writing) hasn't occurred .. yet.

I'm not convinced, but I note the initial diagnosis (charger not being recognized) is now resolved and reboots haven't occurred when it's plugged in. My theory (wholly spurious and a pack of lies, possibly) is as follows:

  • It's possible that some updates were slipped into the new kernel update which caused a "problem" between the BIOS (which manages the charger) and the charger itself.
  • Wiggling the charger caused a temporary shortcircuit (don't do this at home, folks, seriously) which probably went faster than the hardware detection could catch up with - skipping some check, or some integrity process related to figuring out if the adapter came with a Dell logo or not. Mine is - but in case keys/hashes have been updated (or some similar process), it may be the laptop "refused" the charger for not being fancy enough.

I return now to saucy cat pictures online, Stellaris, and avoiding work. May the above help you.


December 28th, 2021 02:00

Ah, almost forgot. I also attempted a clean boot in here somewhere (using USB to boot) to see if problem occurred even without the mobile heap of programs I call "OS". It did - hence removing culpability from OS.

December 29th, 2021 00:00

A small update - it appears the BIOS update hasn't had the success I claimed it would have. Another day, and it appears that the issue remains.

December 29th, 2021 00:00

Alright, in my case it's a faulty adapter and my fine writing and wizardry has been for nothing. I'll be swapping it when home again - for now I'll just bite on wood for a while.

11 Posts

December 29th, 2021 04:00

So done with this machine. Now the trackpad doesn't recognise any clicks either. The problems get worse. Don't think it's a driver issue as this also happens when in BIOS settings too.

5 Posts

December 31st, 2021 10:00

For this scenario:

1.) XPS9500 crashes and reboots during startup (usually at login Window)

2.) Successfully loads Windows after the above reboot but does not recognize the charger.

Do this:

1.) Perform Windows shut down

2.) Unplug for 5 seconds

3.) Plug it back in and power up.

It should recognize the charger after that. No need to let the battery drain.

This issue has been going on for over a year now and is not the result of any recent BIOS updates. Several threads are reporting the same problem, and after all this time, it doesn't appear Dell will do anything about it.

Also, try turning OFF Wi-Fi before shutting down, and then turn it back on next time you startup. I rarely have this issue if I do this. 


January 3rd, 2022 01:00

Same problem here.

Everytime i have to use my xps 9500 (for work) i have to spend 20 minutes retarting it plugging and unplugging the charger until it starts up properly and charges.

It is really frustrating for a pc of this range.

Obviously the warranty has already expired and it is not possible to renew it.

1 Rookie


2 Posts

April 2nd, 2023 05:00

I having the same issues. The work around I have found is...

- Unplug the charger from the laptop

- Unplug the charger from the wall outlet for at least 5 minutes

- turn off the laptop

- After the 5 minutes plug the charger back into the wall

- With the laptop still off, plug the charger into the laptop. The laptop chargers normally with the charge indicator on

- After fully recharged (charge light is off), start the laptop


This eliminates the immediate re-boot issues most of the time. If it happens again, work on battery power the repeat the above.


I don't think it is solely a laptop issue but rather the combination of charger and laptop. This assumption is based on the laptop charging normally when it is off.



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