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3 Posts


June 14th, 2021 07:00

XPS 8910, Network & Internet Settings Window crashes, no connectivity

Please help me I am desperate:


After a restart the other day my computer suddenly no longer displays the network wifi icon on taskbar right.


So I go to check Settings > Network & Internet and when I click to go there the window opens for a second and the closes / crashes.

Please help me, I have uninstalled and reinstalled network adapter drivers and still it is not working. I am desperately in need of accessing the internet with this computer. 


Thank you

3 Posts

June 14th, 2021 07:00

My computer stats:
XPS 8910
Windows 10 (x64)

10 Elder


44K Posts

June 14th, 2021 11:00

To rule out a hardware issue, reboot and start tapping F12 to open the menu. Select the option to run Diagnostics and run all of them, including RAM and extended drive tests. Copy error messages, if any...

If no error messages, reboot PC normally. At the desktop:

  1. Open a Command prompt window, Run as administrator

  2. Type in: chkdsk c: /r and press Enter
    Accept offer to run chkdsk at next boot and reboot. chkdsk will run before Windows loads so be patient. When you're back at the desktop, look at the chkdsk log for any errors.

  3. Assuming no serious chkdsk errors, at desktop, open a CMD prompt window, Run as administrator again

  4. At the prompt, type in: DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth and press Enter
    Be sure to include one space in front of each / and copy any error messages when that's done.

  5. Assuming no errors in #4, at the CMD prompt, type in: sfc /scannow and press Enter.
    Be sure to include one space in front of the / and copy any errors when that's done.

Assuming no errors in #4 or #5, power PC off normally, and remove power cord from rear of PC. Press/hold power button for ~30 sec. Then reconnect power cord to rear of PC and boot.

At the desktop, open Device Manager and on toolbar, click View>Show hidden devices. Now go through Device Manager, looking for any "Unknown" device(s). Right-click and uninstall any Unknown(s). Then on toolbar, click Action>Scan for hardware changes.

Reboot and see what happens now...

BTW: When was last time you replaced the motherboard battery?

3 Posts

June 14th, 2021 12:00

Thank you so much for the reply. 

I ended up reseting the PC and saving my personal files. That reinstalled Windows and my internet and network menus are back.

Thanks again! Everything is solved for the moment.

10 Elder


44K Posts

June 14th, 2021 15:00

Glad you got it resolved, even though it meant resetting Windows.

I'd still run the diagnostics from the F12 menu and then chkdsk /r to make sure your drive isn't failing...

1 Message

February 22nd, 2024 00:26

I had the same problem recently and haven't found any fix online that worked and kept investigating until I found out that Windows Event Log service wasn't running, after manually starting it everything worked fine right afterwards.

Hope this might be helpful for some people

1 Rookie


2 Posts

May 13th, 2024 22:01

i've got this issue - however, it is also coupled with windows update service registering issues with attaining new updates. similarly, i get error messages when attempting to run windows-sourced progammes like the minecraft installer and xbox installer. can i get advice?

10 Elder


44K Posts

May 14th, 2024 00:44

@zlycan  - What PC model and version of Windows?

  1. Exactly what error message(s) are you getting?
  2. Have you run the Windows Update Troubleshooter?
  3. WiFi or ethernet connection?
  4. Do other devices on your network have working connections to internet?
  5. Have you run the Network Troubleshooter?
  6. Have you rebooted your router?

1 Rookie


2 Posts

May 14th, 2024 15:54

@RoHe​ Unsure what PC model it is but I'm running Windows 10, sorry that I'm unaware I'm not very good with computers

The xbox installer error is error 0x80072f8f

I've tried to run the Windows Update Troubleshooter, but it cannot identify the problem

Ethernet connection

The computer itself functions just fine - I am writing this on the computer - but Windows cannot seemingly detect some sort of network connection, and the network management page displays no network connection prior to shutting automatically

The network troubleshooter cannot be accessed, as the Network and Internet panel immediately closes after being opened

I don't know how to reboot my router

Thank you for your help!

10 Elder


44K Posts

May 14th, 2024 16:06

@zlycan  We need to know your PC model. Go here and enter its Service Tag. (Don't post Service Tag here.) It will identify the PC model for you.

That xbox error means there's no internet connection. Have you checked the internet cable connection on back of PC and at the router? Unplug and carefully reconnect the ethernet cable at both ends. Then reboot the router by turning it off, waiting ~5 min, and turning it back on.. Then wait until all its lights are on again before testing internet connection.

Have you tried using WiFi instead of ethernet to connect to the router?

Have you run the commands I posted on June 14th, 2021 in this thread?

No Events found!
