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This post is more than 5 years old


October 19th, 2007 13:00

vista gadgets.looking for pc internal temp gadget is there one?

(((a gadget that tells you the temperture of your pc)))
I have seen just about every gadget made.And it got me thinking I would really like to have a temerture gadget but I have never seen one.I have searched everywhere,from widows vista to wincostomize.
does anyone out there have one? and if so could you direct me where to get it.
I dont even know if there is a temp gadget.
if anyone could help me with this I would so appreciate it.
Thank you

Message Edited by mysticalriver on 10-19-2007 08:52 AM

10 Posts

October 19th, 2007 14:00

I am using a Weather Gadget. It includes the local temperature.

October 19th, 2007 14:00

Oh im sorry.I guess I should go fix that..i ment a pc temp as in internal teperture haha..But thank you

2.7K Posts

October 19th, 2007 18:00

(((a gadget that tells you the temperature of your pc)))
I do not think there is going to be one because a person would have to know what sensors controls
cpu,hard drives,fans,video cards the temperature for all PC,s and most company's would not tell you that info!
So i think there will never be one but that is me , others my not think that way !
See Yea !!  

October 19th, 2007 19:00

See now that makes sence to me lol..
I was just looking for some closure on seems like they would have one that reads the bios temp and could put on the desk top.
but I guess if someone did that then no one would would make the other guy rich by buying there temp gauge haha.
But no that makes sence to me thanks.

2.7K Posts

October 19th, 2007 19:00

You can download this app it will read a lot of stuff on your motherboard
it is siw.exe  version 1.70 build 534 you do not even need to install it just runs from your desktop !
Try it you will like it i use it on my PC,s it does read the temps on some PC,s
it does not work to well for 64 bit but works fine for 32 bit !
The link is here
Good Luck

October 20th, 2007 01:00

c3po thats
That was pretty cool thank you.very nice tool too bad its so big haha.yea its to bad we cant find a gadget like that.Maby I will look in on making one,they cant be to hard.
Anyways thank you very much.

2.7K Posts

October 20th, 2007 01:00

Your Welcome
Good luck will i get a free one after you build it:smileyvery-happy:
See Yea

October 20th, 2007 16:00

Youll be the first.I promise.

1.9K Posts

October 20th, 2007 21:00

This Everest trial versio is really nice.

But when you get the free one, let me be the second on get it :smileytongue:

October 21st, 2007 02:00

Oh for sure :smileywink:and thanks.
So is this a 30 day or just a unfull version?
It just seems to me if they can make a gadget with cpu,usage on them then you should be able to use the same rout to find the core temp.
tings that make you go hummmmmmm .haha
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