This post is more than 5 years old
5 Posts
error message
I need help!
All my software runs OK except one.
When I try to run this software I get the message:
Fatal error. Unhandled access violation. Reading 0x0000 exception at 77e6cd71h.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Message Edited by jeffoptiplex on 12-03-2003 05:40 PM
9 Legend
9 Legend
33.3K Posts
December 3rd, 2003 21:00
Sorry, more information is needed. You need to include your PC model number, your Operating System and the name of the Program you are trying to run that is failing.
Not to be a wise guy but you need to provide something more than "it's broke".
5 Posts
December 3rd, 2003 22:00
Sorry, you're right!
optiplex GX1, pentium 400 MHz, 128 RAM, 4 MB video, bios v10, xp pro, autocad 2004
Steve Anderson
677 Posts
December 4th, 2003 07:00
Sorry to inform you but according to Autodesk this error is caused when a system is infected with the w32.pinfi virus.
5 Posts
December 4th, 2003 11:00
prior to post my message I reset the bios to the original state, I re-partitioned and re-formatted the hard-drive, re-installed all software, and I got the same message.
where this virus is located/resides? how did I get it? how can I get rid of it? how this virus is working? what does it do? what is the meaning of the error message? can a software damage a piece of hardware? how can I prevent this virus to come back?
933 Posts
December 4th, 2003 14:00
Hi Jeff, Why not type the virus name into the Google search engine. It will return much information about the virus and how to rid yourself of it. Good luck.
Steve Anderson
677 Posts
December 4th, 2003 18:00
Hi Jeff,
First, if you completely cleared your HDD and reinstalled as you describe, then there are a couple of possibilities for reinfection. Since this is a memory resident virus, it can remain in your RAM unless RAM is cleared by totally shuting down the machine. Most likely though is the presence of the virus on one of the disk that you used to do the reinstall, be it a floppy or a CD. Another situation could be that you are connected to a LAN and the infection is coming in that way.
To clean your system, you will need to install and update a good quailty AntiVirus product. Since this is a fairly old virus, it should be covered with any commercially available product. It appears from reading the removal instructions givin by Symantec, that there is a specific routine for removal of this particular virus and these steps MUST be followed as stated or else it is not completely removed and will continue to infect your system.
In addition to removing the virus from your system, I would recommend that you scan all the disks that you used to reinstall the software as well as any other disk that you use to store or transfer data.
The only real defense from any virus attack is a fully updated AntiVirus program that is actively scaning in the background.
5 Posts
December 5th, 2003 03:00
Hi folks:
I have checked with Autodesk site, with Symantec site, and Google. I have all it needs to belive that the machine is infected (registry, the .tmp file). Looks like I've got it! And also, looks like the virus is infecting even the anti-virus software!
When I re-formatted the hard drive I turned the power off, but the virus probably relies on the battery, I think.
Anyways, I always wanted a solaris or a linux OS (I am a BIG unix systems fan), so probably now it's the time. But I do not know what I will do with Autocad. This is the way I make a living. Probably a dual OS is the answer.
Thank you all for your help. God bless you!
Steve Anderson
677 Posts
December 5th, 2003 04:00
From my read of the description of this virus, there doesn't appear to be anything that would render your system permanently damaged. You don't mention which antivirus software that you have, evidently not active since the virus was allowed in, but if it has the virus definations from at least 2001 then it should detect and offer to clean the virus infected files. If you follow the instructions given in the Symantec write-up you should be able to clean your system.
5 Posts
December 7th, 2003 23:00
Sorry for the blank post.
I didn't mention anything about my antivirus software because I did not have any antivirus software!
Now I have, and I belive in it.
The removal of the virus was a relatively simple task. Now looks like it's gone.
Once again, thank you all very much.