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This post is more than 5 years old



August 26th, 2007 21:00

PC-Cillin Internet Security 14

Could someone please help me? This is my first post, so please be kind. 
I have a Dell XPS 410 that is running Windows Vista Home Premium.  Trend Micro's PC-Cillin Internet Security 14 came pre-loaded on my system.
I configured IS14 so that both my outgoing & incoming email in Windows Mail (which I get through gmail) would be scanned.  It did it OK for awhile (the little balloon came up everytime telling me it was scanning both incoming & outgoing mail).  Now, for some reason, without changing anything it has stopped scanning both incoming & outgoing mail.  It still does scan webmail.  I have called Trend Micro and the engineer was worthless.  He told me Trend Micro does NOT support Windows Vista or Windows Mail.  That's just not true.  I have checked their knowledge base and confirmed I have everything checked correctly in the mail settings & on Automatic in the Windows Services Panel.
Anyone else having trouble with this?  Please help me.  I know little about computers & am frightened because my email is not being scanned. 

140 Posts

August 27th, 2007 17:00

from my experience, when AV software is giving you issues:
uninstall, then reinstall.

August 27th, 2007 17:00

Thank you so much for replying to my query.  I was afraid you were going to tell me that.  Do you know how much the prospect of uninstalling and reinstalling a program frightens me ... someone who knows so little about computers?  I am waiting to hear back one more time from Trend Micro.  Believe me, I have tried everything.  It's scarey & disappointing when you buy software with a 3 year subscription & you aren't even being fully protected.

September 14th, 2007 22:00

I tried the uninstall and reinstall ... guided by the Trend Micro support person.  Now, things are worse than before!  At least with the original software installed on my Dell XPS 410 of Trend Micro PC-Cillin Internet Security 14, I was able to scan Webmail (i.e. Hotmail).  The balloon would come up to scan attachments.  Now, that I have uninstalled and reinstalled, it won't even do that!  Trend Micro has been little help.  Most of their techs tell me Trend Micro PC-Cillin Internet Security 14 doesn't even support Windows Vista or Windows Mail.  That is just not true.  Their own website & the help section of the software specifically says it does.  This is really a bummer as I bought this software with my Dell computer along with 3 years of upgrades!  What a mistake.  Anyone have anymore suggestions please?
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