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This post is more than 5 years old


February 14th, 2007 19:00

Autocad 2006 on a laptop?

Friend wants to buy a laptop. He's in college and learning CAD. He uses AutoCad 2006 and is new to the software and the realm of laptops as well. He's asking me what laptop to buy. I've suggested something with a large LCD, good processor and lots of ram.
Anyone know how well AutoCad runs on a Dell laptop? I have the XPS m140 myself and I know the integrated graphics are pretty horrid for anything graphically challenging.
Should he be concerned about haivng dedicated video memory?
thanks in advance for the replies...
unless they are just plain cocky ;)

2.4K Posts

February 15th, 2007 14:00


AutoCAD 2006 System Requirements

* Intel® Pentium® III or later processor or compatible, 800 MHz or higher
* Microsoft® Windows® XP (Professional, Home Edition, or Tablet PC Edition with SP1 or SP2), Windows 2000 Professional with SP4
* 512 MB RAM
* 500 MB free disk space for installation
* 1024x768 VGA with true color
* Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 (SP1 or later)
* CD-ROM drive
* Mouse, trackball, or compatible pointing device

55 Posts

February 15th, 2007 14:00

Yeah, I already viewed the system requirements. Was hoping for some insight from someone actually using the software. Thanks tho.

9 Posts

February 24th, 2007 21:00

I ran Desktop 06, Rhino, 3DSMax 7 and Indesign CS2 on my 2yr old Inspiron 9100 laptop. 2 gb ram, 100 gb hard drive, 128mb graphics- the fans would scream like a bat out of when it was on, but the program ran flawlessly and smooth- no problem with rendering, anti-aliasing worked well. only thing it would be challenged by is high-vertex count (2000 point) poly-lines typical to contour maps etc...
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