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This post is more than 5 years old



December 30th, 2006 13:00

System Alert blinking in task bar...HELP!

When I click on this annoying alert it states virus activities detected and it then sends me directly to ANTIVERMINS website. Can't get on the internet but this site pops up instantly. I did not attempt the free scan as I did a web search and some sites stated that it's a hoax site and they offer links to remove the ANTIVERMINS link. I didn't bother to do that either as I need a trustworthy link.
I'm currently using Webroot Spy Sweeper with Antivirus. I've done several sweeps and noticed TROJAN HORSE FOUND. I removed it.
What further steps do I need to take?
Thanks for your help :o)

28K Posts

December 30th, 2006 17:00

You need to go to the following forum and read the informational message at the top.  You will be instructed to download and run HijackThis and then post the resulting in log in that forum for further help.

5 Posts

January 2nd, 2007 12:00

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