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This post is more than 5 years old



July 24th, 2005 07:00

How to remove a keystroke logger

My ex partner has installed a keystroke logger on my pc some time ago.  He said he had removed it but I have found out that he can activate and de-activate it as and when he likes.  He knows all my usernames and passwords and has even emailed my friends pretending to be me.  He will no doubt be reading this too at some point.  Is there anyway that I can remove this thing, he has told me he will send me a disc to do it but I do not trust him.
I'm not very technical so please, any advise would be much appreciated.

3 Apprentice


15.2K Posts

July 24th, 2005 11:00

It may depend on just how "cunning" your ex-partner was in setting things up, and how 'resilient' the program is... that is to say, if, for example, he password-protected the program, and/or the program has 'alternate'/backup copies lurking on your drive, it may be very difficult (perhaps "impossible") to remove... let's face it, employers/spouses/parents who install such software ideally would like to be certain that their employees/spouse/children can't simply disable or remove the device.
for the time being, be very careful when using the "infected" machine... don't use it for any "personal" information/e-mails, or any sensitive information (social security numbers, bank account numbers, credit card numbers, &etc).   do any personal/sensitive work on a different (hopefully "clean") machine.  You might consider erasing your e-mail address book from the "compromised" machine (that is, AFTER you copy it over to a floppy and/or move it over to another PC); hopefully then, unless your ex-partner has also copied the information, he won't have access to it any more.)   Likewise for anything else you can "remove".
Having said all this... do you have any idea as to the name of the specific program being used?  That certainly can be helpful in trying to remove it....
Here's what you can try:
Start by (downloading/installing and) running Ad-Aware SE 1.06 and SpyBot Search & Destroy 1.4 ; if the keylogger is "illegitimate" (i.e., if it's "truly" spyware), one of these programs may be able to eliminate it.  (However, I have no idea if they handle "legitimate" keyloggers, such as those identifiable as being purchased and installed by parents, to monitor their children).
If these don't work, you can run HiJackThis 1.99.1 and post your log in the HiJackThis forum, asking for help there.
If you're not familiar with these 3 programs, you can get the download links, and instructions to run them, from
(I believe, so far as a keylogger is concerned, you can skip any other programs listed there).
[if these instuctions are not sufficiently detailed, I can try to point you to additional web pages].


Message Edited by ky331 on 07-24-2005 09:51 AM

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