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This post is more than 5 years old



September 12th, 2005 20:00

Blaster Worm resurfacing?

After I bought my computer (running XP home) back in 2003 I got the blaster worm. It was a pain in the but to get rid of but I did using a patch from I saw a little while back that someone had another version of it that was attacking 2000 systems.

I hadn't had any more problems until a few minutes ago. My comp shut down with the old popup saying that my computer was shutting down... NT Authority \ System... blah blah... Remote Procedure Call (RPC)... blah blah...

There is nothing new on Microsoft. I reinstalled the old patch I got 2 yrs ago (yeah, i still have that... I'm such a packrat), and i'm waiting to see what happens. So far no shutdowns yet.

Is anyone else having this problem again or was this just a fluke?

3 Apprentice


15.2K Posts

September 13th, 2005 11:00

are you just assuming it was blaster again? --- or was there a specific message/indication that it was indeed blaster?
the point being, if your only indication was the shut-down problem, it could well be another virus/worm/trojan, such as Zotob (rather than blaster)...

September 13th, 2005 22:00

no, i just couldn't find anything new like the Blaster Worm and it was a perfect copy of what I experienced with Blaster. I hadn't seen that message popup since i got rid or it, but thus far since i reinstalled that old patch I havn't had it again since the other day. It must have been a fluke or something. I was just wondering if anyone else was getting the message again.

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