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This post is more than 5 years old


December 26th, 2013 13:00

DVP11 Internet Explorer keep defaulting to MSN home page

I went into IE settings, deleted the MSn  Home page and substituted it with Google in the general setting tab .   But each time I sign off IE and go back in it keeps defaulting to MSN . I already scanned with Malware bytes and there is no Malware.  Any ideas how to fix?

17 Posts

December 27th, 2013 07:00

Go to the charms bar and click on "settings" and then on "control panel".  Then select "Network and Internet".  Click on "internet options" and then on "change your home page".  Enter your preferred home page.  Then IE will  go to whatever page you set.

I gather that you are using IE as your browser.  That's probably a good idea, as the Chrome browser works poorly with the touchscreen functions (though it works fine if you use a bluetooth mouse).

40 Posts

December 27th, 2013 13:00

I have done exactly as you described,  Under internet options , I deleted MSN  and replaced it with google. But it reverts back to MSN  I click OK, and restart IE.  I just cant get the change to stick.

17 Posts

December 27th, 2013 13:00

Weird!  Have you tried any other website for homepage - maybe like or something else that might not offend Microsoft as much as
Google might? FYI: I have my homepage set to my Google Mail account and
haven't had a problem.

Good luck!

40 Posts

December 27th, 2013 18:00

Tried and various pages but no good.  I even went to Security and deleted dell msn cookie from trusted site , Added dell.msn as restricted site but all to no avail . The redirection comes back .  I think I need to work on the registry . 

40 Posts

December 28th, 2013 21:00

Problem finally fixed by editing the the registry  . Method was shown in this link :


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