This post is more than 5 years old

28 Posts


August 11th, 2010 08:00

SRDF/S - Getting errors trying to create dynamic RDF group

                S Y M M E T R I X   R D F   G R O U P S             

    Local              Remote                   Group               RDFA Info
--------------  ---------------------  -----------------------  -----------------
            LL                                      Flags  Dir  Flags  Cycle    
RA-Grp  (sec)   RA-Grp  SymmID        T    Name     LPDS  Cfg  CSRM   time   Pri
--------------  ---------------------  -----------------------  -----  -----  ---
  1 ( 0)    10    1 ( 0) xxxxxxxxxxxx  S GROUP_00    .X..  F-H  -IS-      30   33

Attempting to run this command to create a new dynamic RDF group:

symrdf addgrp -label Group_02 -fibre -sid xxxx -rdfg 2 -dir 04d -remote_sid xxxx -remote_dir 04d -remote_rdfg 2

I receive this error message:

'2': duplicate name found in device list.

I've tried using many other numbers for the rdfg parameter, but always got the same result. Anyone experience this and know resolution?


2 Intern


20.4K Posts

August 16th, 2010 10:00

yep ..looks like you are missing stuff, here is from a working DMX4

symcfg list -v -sid 1234 | grep -i rdf

Switched RDF Configuration State     : Enabled
    Concurrent RDF Configuration State   : Enabled
    Dynamic RDF Configuration State      : Enabled
    Concurrent Dynamic RDF Configuration : Enabled

28 Posts

August 11th, 2010 08:00


symrdf addgrp -label Group_02 -fibre -sid xxxx -rdfg 2 -dir 04d -remote_sid 000xxxxxxxxx -remote_dir 04d -remote_rdfg 2


'2': duplicate name found in device list.

Also ran this to ensure I wasn't crazy...

symcfg -sid xxxx list -rdfg 2


The specified RA group is not valid

2 Intern


448 Posts

August 11th, 2010 08:00

try adding the full serial number of the remote array including the 3 leading 0's for the SID.

symrdf addgrp -label groupname -rdfg # -sid XXXX -dir YY -remote_rdfg # -remote_sid 000XXXXXXXXX -remote_dir YY

2 Intern


185 Posts

August 11th, 2010 11:00

I think maybe the issue is the group name (-label Group_02).

Can you verify there is not another Group_02 on either the Source or Target arrays.

This could also be a static group defined when the bin file was built.

28 Posts

August 11th, 2010 12:00

There is only group 1 on both, and it is static.

2 Intern


20.4K Posts

August 11th, 2010 16:00

can you run "symcfg discover" and then "symcfg list -sid XYZ -RA ALL" just to double check it's really not there.

2 Intern


20.4K Posts

August 11th, 2010 16:00

can you try from the other side of SRDF link ?

1 Rookie


137 Posts

August 12th, 2010 06:00


  Is there any more info in the symapi log file?


2 Intern


448 Posts

August 12th, 2010 12:00

If your current SRDF is static is the dynamic rdf flag enabled in the bin file?

28 Posts

August 16th, 2010 07:00

I tried it from the other side and this is the output:

symcfg list -sid xxxx -ra all

Symmetrix ID: 000xxxxxxxxx

                 S Y M M E T R I X    R D F    D I R E C T O R S

                                         Remote        Local    Remote
Ident  Symb  Num  Slot  Type       Attr  SymmID        RA Grp   RA Grp  Status

RF-4D   04D   52     4  RDF-BI-DIR   -   000yyyyyyyyy   1 (00)   1 (00) Online
RF-13D  13D   61    13  RDF-BI-DIR   -   000yyyyyyyyy   1 (00)   1 (00) Online

When I attempt to create the rdf group from the other site, I get the message:

The feature being requested is not currently licensed

Am I missing something? Here is an excerpt from the symapi_licenses.dat file:

License Key: ... SYMAPI Feature: BASE / Symmetrix

License Key: ... SYMAPI Feature: SERVER / Symmetrix

License Key: ... SYMAPI Feature: ConfigChange / Symmetrix

License Key: ... SYMAPI Feature: SRDF / Symmetrix

License Key: ... SYMAPI Feature: DeltaMark / Symmetrix

License Key: ... SYMAPI Feature: SymmMgmtConsole / Symmetrix

License Key: ... SYMAPI Feature: DevMasking / Symmetrix

License Key: ... SYMAPI Feature: Snap / Symmetrix

License Key: ... SYMAPI Feature: EMC Cluster Enabler / Symmetrix

Also, there appear to be no DG or CG on this system, which doesn't make sense to me..but then again, I'm no RDF expert.

symdg -sid xxxx list

                          D E V I C E      G R O U P S

                                                              Number of
  Name               Type     Valid  Symmetrix ID  Devs   GKs  BCVs  VDEVs  TGTs

symcg list

No Symmetrix CGs were found

2 Intern


20.4K Posts

August 16th, 2010 07:00

unless you are using GNS devices groups are local to that particular host.

28 Posts

August 16th, 2010 08:00

Is there a symcli command to determine for sure whether dyn_rdf is enabled on an array?

28 Posts

August 16th, 2010 08:00

Never mind my last question, guys. I was apparently having a Monday moment!

Dynamic RDF Configuration is enabled on the array.

2 Intern


20.4K Posts

August 16th, 2010 09:00

i guess we never asked the question, are these RAs zoned to each other or you have direct connectivity from RA to RA ?

28 Posts

August 16th, 2010 09:00

OK, I've tried again from the original site, and now I'm getting this message:

The switched or dynamic RDF features are not properly enabled in the symmetrix, or the symmetrix are connected point to point

This is from the symapi log file:

08/16/2010 12:24:28.793 2580 1872 STARTING an RDF 'DYNAMIC GROUP ADD' operation.

08/16/2010 12:24:29.997 2580 1872 EMC:SYMRDF ASCrdfdyngrp LclGrp:(2), RemGrp:(2), Label: (Group_02), LclSymid: (000xxxxxxxxx), RemSymid: (000yyyyyyyyy), ASCrdfdyngrp sts: (0x03), Order17 code: (0x03), ASCrdfdyngrp_ack: (Switched or dynamic RDF features are not properly enabled, or the symmetrix are connected point to point), SYMAPI sts: (SYMAPI_C_DYNAMIC_RDF_NOT_ENABLED)

08/16/2010 12:24:30.028 2580 1872 The RDF 'DYNAMIC GROUP ADD' operation 'FAILED'.

08/16/2010 12:25:31.934 6128 5796 EMC:SYMCONFIGURE iCfgChgSessionStart Starting a local CfgChg session for SID 000xxxxxxxxx, symapi V7.1-1059 (2.0) ucode 5671

08/16/2010 12:25:32.028 6128 5796 Establishing session with Local cfg srvr (000xxxxxxxxx)...Established.

08/16/2010 12:25:37.450 6128 5796 EMC:SYMCONFIGURE SymConfigChangeGet Configuration Server Version is: 5671.75.75

08/16/2010 12:25:38.715 6128 5796 Terminating session with configuration server.............Done.


Output of symconfigure list -v on the local Symm shows Dyn RDF is enabled:

Symmetrix ID                         : 000xxxxxxxxx

     Configuration Server Version     : 5671.75.75
     Configuration Server Protocol    : 0x511
     Configuration Server Date        : 09.25.2008

     FBA formatted                    :   1719876
     FBA unformatted                  :         0
     AS/400 formatted                 :         0
     AS/400 unformatted               :         0
     IBM_FBA formatted                :   1719876
     IBM_FBA unformatted              :         0
     UNISYS_FBA formatted             :   1719876
     UNISYS_FBA unformatted           :         0
     ICL formatted                    :         0
     ICL unformatted                  :         0
     CKD-3380 formatted               :         0
     CKD-3380 unformatted             :         0
     CKD-3390 formatted               :    982529
     CKD-3390 unformatted             :         0

     Max Hypers per Disk              :       255
     FBA Multi Access Cache           : Enabled
     Dynamic RDF Configuration        : Enabled
     RAID-S support                   : Enabled
     RAID membership count            :         3
     VCMdb Access Restricted          : Disabled
     RAID-5 support                   : Disabled

No Events found!
