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May 26th, 2003 14:00

Paths exceeded the max length??

Shortly after receiving this error message, "One or more paths in this C/D project has exceeded the max length allowed by current file system," the process stops and gives me a power calibration error.

I do have very long files names for the Word documents that I would like to backup - is this the problem? 

If I get the Roxio upgrade package to Platinum, will that help?

I'd like to simply hit a few keys and back up all my Word files - that's all I want to do!!  We never got an old rewrite drive to work.  Now we have a brand new system and it doesn't work either.

Hope someone can help.  Thanks!


9 Legend


33.4K Posts

May 26th, 2003 14:00

File name length is not unlimited in CD burning.  If the CD is burned to the ISO9660 standard you are limited to 8 characters plus one Underline and three file extension characters.  If you burn to the "Joliet" standard, which is normally the default standard in Roxio for Data projects then you can have up to 64 characters in length including spaces but the Joliet format also burns the ISO9660 standard on the CD and that's probably what you are seeing.

26 Posts

May 26th, 2003 16:00

Joe :

If you use the UDF file system (drag-n-drop, directCD, and other names) you will not run into any such name limitations.  Any path or filename you can come up with on NTFS (or FAT) is directly compatible to UDFFS

2 Posts

May 26th, 2003 17:00

Okay.  I'm great on Word, know nothing about software, how do I check the standard to see if this will work in "Joliet"


<< If you burn to the "Joliet" standard, which is normally the default standard in Roxio for Data projects then you can have up to 64 characters in length including spaces but the Joliet format also burns the ISO9660 standard on the CD and that's probably what you are seeing. >>

2.1K Posts

May 26th, 2003 17:00

Nick: This is not what I have found with UDF… If I use verify it still warns of path/file too long. If I burn it, then it produces a Zero byte file.

I have not been able to get any hard info on UDF limits.

Otherwise the limits for Joliet & ISO 9660:

A general rule when creating a data CD using the Joliet file system is:

File naming = 64 characters (max)
Directory structure = 8 levels deep (max)
Total characters = 128 (max) path+filename

ISO 9660:

File name = 8.3 or 8.3 MSDOS or 30 character if Advanced Option is used
Directory name = same applies
Total characters = 128 (max) path+filename (not clear on this but it seems about right)

26 Posts

May 27th, 2003 20:00

Hi Jim:

 Yes it is difficult information to find.   It is also very complicated.  And, since MS has not yet issued a Windows  writing  specification for UDF, different implementations may do it differently.

I tried to boil it down in the previous messages for clarity, but I may have confused the issue.  So if you are interested in the gory details, here they are. I've got to apologize for the length, but obviously my condensing skills leave a lot to be desired.

Here  is the "actual" UDF FS description:

 UDF Directory Limits

Directory Size — 2

64 -1 bytes

Directory Depth — unlimited

Sub-directories per Directory — 2

16 -1 sub-directories

Directory Name — 256 bytes

UDF File Limits

Logical Block Size — 2

32 -1 partitions * Maximum Partition Size

File Extent Size — 2

30 -1 bytes

File Size — 2

64 -1 bytes

File Name — 256 bytes

And here is a description of NTFS file/path names from Microsoft:

In the Windows API, the maximum length for a path is MAX_PATH, which is defined as 260 characters. A path is structured as follows: drive letter, colon, backslash, components separated by backslashes, and a null-terminating character. For example, the maximum path on the D drive is D:\<256 chars>NUL.

So they are the same (actually, UDF is a little less restrictive than NTFS, but we'll ignore that).  The bottom line is any file or path that you can name in NTFS you can keep the same name in UDF.

FAT32  file systems are similar (one of the things that MS tried to keep constant).

The confusion arises because functions in Windows can use very large things that I'm going to call "descriptors" (not the MS name) for identifying files.  These are not really file names, and Windows seamlessly (and invisibly)  converts those "descriptors" to proper NTFS file names whenever the file is actually written to the hard drive.  Similarly (although not exactly the same) with FAT32.

However, as mentioned,  MS has not yet defined a UDF writing specification, so there is really no consistent way to convert those "descriptors" to proper UDF file names.

Roxio, for example,  solves(??)  the confusion by simply not giving you the option of having a "descriptor" longer than a proper UDF file name.

Whew - that was a long one.  Was it worth it?

2.1K Posts

May 27th, 2003 22:00

Yes it helps explain things. Although directory & sub-directory names are generous, one is still limited by the total path/filename limit. (MAX_PATH)

However it would appear that as long as you can address it in NTFS you are valid in UDF.

Of course there is no way of knowing if Roxio is following that… One would assume they are, but there is that magic word, assume

In the test I made, both verify and write were balking on the max_path of existing files on my NTFS drive. In theory it should not, but there it was…

Nice work Nick!

1 Message

March 13th, 2004 15:00

I am having the same problem with long file names in recording to dvd in roxio-7. I would just like to know how to do a search and find the culprits so i can either change their names or decrease the file levels to attain them.



2.1K Posts

March 13th, 2004 17:00

@Pewter mom wrote:

I am having the same problem with long file names in recording to dvd in roxio-7. I would just like to know how to do a search and find the culprits so i can either change their names or decrease the file levels to attain them.



Robin: Funny you should ask, I just plagiarized this from the V7 forum this morning:

Filename – 120+ characters
Pathname – 128+ characters (full path + filename)
>8 subdirectories
(May not be readable due to MS OS limitations…)

Have not had time to test it but the limits were posted by a Roxio moderator.

So you should not be having this with V7, however it may not be readable… Use File – Validate project and make notes as to which ones are troublesome. You can move them closer to the root to reduce the pathname length.

2.1K Posts

March 13th, 2004 18:00

A little testing update Roxio V7 Classic:

Testing with CD-R/RW: 13 sub-directories, 10 character names. One 10 character filename + 3 in each.

Level 13 pathname = 147 character total.

Joliet & UDF (no bridge) readable on XP Home & XP Pro.

Win98SE: readable to the 8th sub-directory – 9th sub-dir name was present, but empty.

2 warnings were issued during burn but continued anyway.

Don't know how W2K will handle these… I would expect ME to be the same as W98 given they are W9x OS.

While these results are favorable, they are not exhaustive enough to make a blanket statement. Besides, I know there are users out there that could break a rubber CD…

Message Edited by Jim Hardin on 03-13-2004 02:06 PM

1 Message

August 26th, 2016 08:00

You can also try the Long Path Tool, great for path too long issues.

10 Elder


46K Posts

August 26th, 2016 13:00

This thread has been locked due to it's age, if you have a similar issue, please use the 'New Post' feature at the top of this page and start a new thread.

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