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This post is more than 5 years old


January 1st, 2004 10:00

Inspiron 8600 / TrueMobile 300 / Logitech MX900 - connection loss


I have bought myself this brand new Inspiron 8600, full specs, GeForce 8650-128Mb, 1900x1200 screen, Pentium M 1700, and a Dell TrueMobile 300 internal bluetooth card.
After two days i bought the Logitech MX900 bluetooth mouse. It all worked to great satisfaction, except for one thing : 

Problem :  
I bought the mouse primarily for gaming purposes, as a touchpad is not the best way to play certain games.
After using gaming for about a minute the laptop becomes warmer and starts losing bleutooth connectivity. The mouse movements start lagging and eventually the mouse loses total connection.

Do more people have this problem and even better, does anyone know how to resolve this problem?

With kind regards,
Kevin Struis

3.1K Posts

January 2nd, 2004 19:00


Thank you for using the Dell Community Forum.

If your external mouse requires additional drivers, I would suspect that these drivers are conflicting with those for the touch-pad.  You should remove the drivers for both pointing devices and then reinstall those for the mouse that you wish to use. 

6 Posts

January 2nd, 2004 20:00

Hi BobT,

Thank you for your remark, but I have added no additional drivers. WindowsXP supports a bluetooth mouse/keyboard itself. I have installed no Logitech drivers.

Also, again, the problem starts when the laptop gets warmer/more active (for example 3D gameplay). After a while the bluetooth connectivity to the mouse becomes worse and eventually the bluetooth connection to the mouse is lost. I have also found that in some games it helps to set the screen-resolution lower, this makes the video-card/cpu less active. But this is ofcourse not why i bought the geforce128Mb and 1900x1200 screen :)

Hope you have more ideas, maybe tweaking of the bluetooth radio-transmission power of the Dell truemobile 300 card? Is this possible?

With kind regards,
Kevin Struis

55 Posts

January 6th, 2004 20:00


I've got the same setup as you (except I'm running Windows Server 2003). My MX900 works fine, even through several continuous hours of playing Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. I run the graphics at 1280x968. 1600x1200 is a little jerky.

- Stu

6 Posts

January 7th, 2004 05:00

Thanks Stu,

I've contacted the supplier of the MX900, and we'll exchange the on I have now for another. Then we'll see if the problem hopefully is solved. I'll keep this forum informed...


55 Posts

January 13th, 2004 21:00

STRuis, you must be infectious. I have now started having problems with my MX900. Occasionally, it just becomes very laggy. But it never loses its connection completely, it just does it for a little bit, then starts working again. But, it's nothing to do with playing games. I haven't played any in over a week and the mouse has acted up several times during that period.

I'm suspicious that it may be Bluetooth and my 802.11g connection interfering with each other. A couple of times, it seems like the problem happened while I was downloading a bunch of email messages and the problem stopped as soon as Outlook finished.

STRuis, is there any possible correlation between your problems and WLAN usage?

- Stu

Message Edited by StuartV on 01-13-2004 06:12 PM

6 Posts

January 14th, 2004 17:00

Hi Stu,

Lately I've noticed the problem does not only occur during gameplay or heavy gpu-load/cpu-load or heat.

The problem also does not seem to be related with large downloads or other wireless activity. I've tried disabling my WLAN-radio for a while and it did not make a difference. The problem was still there.

My MX900 reseller will supply another mouse to try with within about a week now. I'll keep the forum posted!

Kind regards,


February 15th, 2004 16:00


I have just 1 qusetions, how did you connect the mouse with the notebook?

I have a Dell 8600 and the MX900 but the Notebook (the internal bluetooth chip) doesn't recognize the mouse. I can only use the mouse with the hub from Logitech and that doesn't make much sense, because I want to use the mouse without the hub. I don't want to carry the hub with me when I'm not at home.

Thanks for your reply.

6 Posts

February 16th, 2004 05:00

Hi Ballistic,

I have got the mouse working without additional drivers and without the logitech HUB on Windows XP pro. It is important NOT to install any additional logitech drivers. It works like a charm except for my connection-loss problems. You can use the windows XP Bluetooth wizard to find the mouse as a so called human interface device.

I hope you get yours working, and when you do, please check in back here after a couple of days to share if you find the same connection problems as i do.

Kind regards,

February 16th, 2004 06:00


I'm sorry, I sold my Dell 8600 and therefore I'm unable to test the mouse anymore. Maybe I had a different software (bouhgt it in Germany) than you guys.

But thank you for your reply.


Message Edited by Ballistic49 on 02-16-2004 09:50 AM

55 Posts

February 16th, 2004 16:00


Did you get your new MX900? Does it work okay now? Mine is still very flaky. It's gotten to the point of being almost completely unusable. I went through one round of tech support with Logitech and they basically said "sorry. We don't support Windows 2003 Server" I haven't yet gotten around to reproducing the problem under XP Home and calling them back.

- Stu

55 Posts

February 18th, 2004 15:00

My Microsoft BT mouse works just fine with my 8600. So does my iPaq with BT. Just my Logitech BT mouse has problems. That doesn't sounds like a problem with Dell or the 8600 to me....

Thanks for the update STRuis.


- Stu

6 Posts

February 18th, 2004 15:00


Yesterday I got another MX900, same mouse, just a little bit different in colour. And guess what... same problem... It seems like the bluetooth connection is lost. 
So it seems to be a DELL AND/OR LOGITECH related problem. But Logitech says there are no problems with other configurations.I now wonder if I can get DELL to look in to this problem and find its origin, but where does one start?
Prior in this forum DELL-BobT had some answers.  Maybe he has some now ?

Hope Dell mixes in to this forum again,

With kind regards,



Message Edited by STRuis on 02-18-2004 06:15 PM

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