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This post is more than 5 years old


September 27th, 2006 12:00

Downloading Logitech Webcam Problem

Can anyone help solve a problem I am having downloading a basic webcam made by Logitech?  I have followed the directions 20 times over, installed/uninstalled the software for the webcam only to have my relatively new laptop crash the minute I plug in the webcam, per its instructions, only to have my computer crash.  I've checked the hardware section and everything to see what the problem could be thinking it was my laptop, but my friend who has a 2 month old dell laptop had the same problem when we tried the same software on his computer.  Help!!!

14.4K Posts

September 27th, 2006 21:00

are you using an intel core duo cpu laptop as I've heard similiar reports with those models?

1.1K Posts

September 27th, 2006 23:00


Unfortunately (as usual) it could be a number of possible causes:

Is the installation software sourced from Logitech web site download or product supplied CD?

Assume you already know (20+ times over) that software must be installed B4 the USB cam device is plugged in. After installing software you should reboot without cam device connected, then plug device in only after WXP opens & then continue device setup process. Have you tried PC flash BIOS update? Logitech webcam USB devices are well known to cause boot hang problems on certain desktops if plugged in B4 boot stage, but should work after WXP opens. Have you looked in Device Manger & checked for any device conflicts or USB power, bandwidth sharing issues?

Finally, if not already done you could search or post in the Logitech webcam Forum site here


September 28th, 2006 12:00

Dear Bell Boy:
I literally installed/reinstalled about 20 times.  The webcam was never plugged in until I was prompted to by the software to do so.  Only after everything was installed and my computer re-booted did I plug in the webcam.  I also checked the device manager and there were no problems there either.  Now, the BIOS I wasn't sure to do, but the blue screened stop error did say something about the BIOS problems, however, when I spoke to Dell they seemed to not pay any attention to it.  The Dell rep did say that there was more than likely an incompatibility issue between the webcam and there was a way to fix it.  Unfortunately, I lost my connectoin with him and just scrapped the whole thing.  I went to Circuit City and exchanged it for a Microsoft web cam and it installed with no problems at all and it ended my 2 day headache.  Thanks for your feedback.

September 28th, 2006 12:00

I have an XPS M140 that is about 8 months old and my friend has a latitude that is 2 months old and it caused both of them to crash.  However, my brother-in-law has a dell laptop about 2 years old and experienced no problems at all.  I'm guessing that whatever Dell changed between the time they were bought was enough to not be compatible.  I spoke with a Dell rep and apparently there is no way to make it compatible so I will have to buy a completely different brand.

1.1K Posts

September 28th, 2006 19:00

Hi susie

Good decision to exchange, nothing against Logitech but if you buy something & it doesn’t work (not fit for purpose) always better to take it back a.s.a.p.

Regarding BIOS updates if your PC is only 8 month old then you will probably have version A03 therefore no real need to upgrade to latest version A04 [updates version of Pre-boot System Assessment (PSA) diagnostics]


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