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This post is more than 5 years old



December 2nd, 2003 23:00

Connecting Tivo to Dell 8250 ???

I'm about to get the Toshiba SD-H400 DVD player that has Tivo included. There is a Home Media option that allows my Tivo to access my Dell Dim 8250's hard drive in order to pull MP3's and Photos directly to the TV. The Toshiba has a USB 2.0 connection.

What I need to understand is how do I create this network?  My PC is connected to a cable modem and the Tivo doesn't need to connect to the WAN. All I need it for the PC and the Toshiba(Tivo) to be able to talk so the Toshiba can get to my PC's hardrive . So does that mean all I need are 2 network adapters (one for PC and one for Toshiba)?


Message Edited by millpa00 on 12-02-2003 08:25 PM

2 Intern


12K Posts

December 3rd, 2003 00:00

Seems to me like you will need just the one NIC to connect to the modem and use the USB connections between the two machines as a makeshift crossover cable.  Just a hunch, I have no idea if this deal will work or not.  Something new and challenging everyday!

I've thought about getting a TV I/O card and use a third hard drive of around 200 gigs to capture TV instead of getting a Tivo type device.

5 Posts

December 3rd, 2003 12:00

Thx for the response.

My concern with that setup is that the USB (2.0) cable will be slow at crossing the data between the PC and Tivo considering I'm looking to view photos. What do you think? Can the USB transfer this much data relatively fast?  I wish I knew networking better than I do.

**  To put what I want into perspective --  I'm looking to create some photo albums with the  Tivo software which installs on my PC and when family and friends come over I'd access these albums and pull the images onto my TV. But basically I don't want to be waiting 30 seconds between each image showing up. **

5 Posts

December 3rd, 2003 12:00

On second thought......

Since there is only a USB(2.0) on the Tivo, I will need a USB Network Adapter on the back of it... meaning even if I were to connect an RJ45 cable from a router it will then plug into the network adapter and the data would transmit fast across the cable but then bottle neck at the adapter.

So to make a long story short, I think your config is the best. I'll take a good USB(2.0) cable and connect it between Tivo and PC. What do you think?

5 Posts

December 3rd, 2003 15:00

I know I'm just sort of talkin to myself, but does anyone know a good place to buy a USB 2.0 cable thats 15 feet long and has male to male (a to a) connectors (preferably with gold plating).

I have searched all over but can't seem to find all of these things. Not to mention finding a male to male USB cable is a nightmare! IOGEAR makes a good looking one but its only 6' long!

Help - I'm dying over here.

Message Edited by millpa00 on 12-03-2003 12:20 PM

2.2K Posts

December 3rd, 2003 16:00

I have located a cable that appears to conform to your requirements here. Please note that this is not a Dell-validated website, nor is this a recommendation of a specific company.

2 Intern


12K Posts

December 3rd, 2003 17:00

If all you want to do is display photo albums from your PC to a TV then get the Linksys Media Adapter.  

Can run photos, mp3's, etc straight to you tv and or stereo.  I have one and it works like a top.  Just other Linksys products, it was a snap to install and can run either wired or wireless.

5 Posts

December 3rd, 2003 18:00


Thanks for the link. Its exactly the type I'm looking for. I just wish it had the gold platted connectors cause from what I've learned they are much more reliable. But the one you found may have to do.



That thing looks pretty cool.

The only thing is I'm getting the Tivo for XMas anyway so I'd like to just use the Media Option that comes with the Tivo to view my picutures. Basically the Tivo needs to have a connection to update its program guide anyway so I would still want it to access my cable modem to get the faster updates instead of using a phone line which they give as an alternative. 

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