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This post is more than 5 years old



December 3rd, 2002 01:00

1184 Wireless Router & Webcam(s) on Yahoo & Netmeeting

The webcams on both the desktop (directly connected to port 1 of the router) and on the notebook (with wireless card) refuse to work.  Yahoo's help page says that "In order to use all the Yahoo! Messenger Webcam features, your firewall must permit incoming and outgoing TCP connections on port 5100."  Only problem is that in order to get my network to connect and operate at all I had to disable the WinXP firewall on both computers; similarly, I cannot use WEP and maintain a connection.  So I'm at a loss as to why the cameras won't work - and why I can't view the webcams of others - since there is no firewall in place

Any ideas as to what's going on, and what to change on the router's settings that will enable the webcams to work on either service?

TIA.  David

107 Posts

December 3rd, 2002 17:00

Have you looked at the router manual? It should have info to help you to configure port 5100.

Your other problems:  it is normal to disable the winXP firewall.  The wouter has the hardware NAT firewall already.  Since your computer can connect to internet, you should be able to enable WEP.  Maybe you did not put in the same encryption codes.  Some routers and wireless network cards require ASCII codes, and some require HEX codes.

December 3rd, 2002 18:00

Thanks.  Actually, Dell's manuals - both printed and online - are basically useless for this type of configuration (they don't cover either).  I got Dell Tech Support on the phone this morning and they advised to leave WEP off - that there are apparently conflicts that gum-up the router.  They also told me how I should be able to open those ports thru the firewall, but it didn't work - so I've sent email to both Y! and MSN asking for their thoughts on the problem.  Meantime, I've just bought a female-female coupler and until this is solved I'll just bypass the router whenever I want to webcam with someone... which is admittedly an ugly kludge, but it'll have to do for now.

My hope is that somebody else has encountered this specific problem with this specific router and can offer whatever might've worked for them...

December 14th, 2002 14:00

Well, since Dell STILL can't seem to find a solution to this issue, I thought I'd bump this back up to page 1 to see if anyone else has any ideas.  Only way I can use my webcams now is to turn off the router and resort to dialup.  Ugh.  Any ideas - since Dell apparently lacks any meaningful knowledge about this product they sell - would be sincerely appreciated - TIA!

107 Posts

December 14th, 2002 16:00

Another option is to return the 1184 router.

2 Posts

January 4th, 2003 02:00

did you ever find a solution for this problem i'm having the same problem i have a 1184 wireless router can't use my yahoo web cam can anyone help

Message Edited by tonydb on 01-04-2003 06:06 PM

Message Edited by tonydb on 01-04-2003 06:06 PM

January 14th, 2003 22:00

Nope, as of now there is still no solution.  The only way I can use my webcams is to turn-off the router and resort to dial-up!  :(

1 Message

January 14th, 2003 22:00

Would love to for this same reason - their port forwarding DOES NOT WORK at all!!  but they say since the router IS working (accessing internet) they will not take back!  So now what?

1 Message

January 19th, 2003 00:00

I have recently updated my 1184 to the 1.93 A06 firmware, and I still cannot get a web cam to function.  The port forwarding does not work.  I have seen a thread about someone using the DMZ feature to connect to the gaming zone, and that seemed to work, but I have tried to follow the same instructions for yahoo web can with no success.  I have also seen a thread about firmware updates where someone tried to update the firmware with gemtek's from their website.  The update failed.  Gemtek appears to be the manufacturer of the 1184, and they also make some devices for d-link.  Has anyone tried the use the d-link 614 firmware?  It looks similar to the 1184, but it has two antennas.  Not sure that would be a great idea, since dslreports forums have complaints about the reliability of the 614, but if port forwarding works...  Otherwise I will have to drop another 100 bucks to get a broadband router that works.  It really $ucks to find out that a piece of equipment doesnt work after you have bought it.  I could have saved myself 100 bucks if I would have just bought a Linksys.  Their equipment is not all that great, but at least is does what it is advertised to do.

1 Message

January 21st, 2003 17:00


I bought a new Inspiron 8200 laptop with built in wireless card. I got the same problem. I couldn't able to send and receive web cam services through Yahoo or Net Meetings. I tried all possibilities in the my.router --> advanced settings section. I couln't able to make it. I am also looking for a solution to get out of this problem. I called customer service people and they said like we won't support advanced settings. I don't understand, why they are saying like this. If some thing problem, They have to correct it. You can not escape from the problem.

So please update me, If you resolved this Issue.


1 Message

January 28th, 2003 22:00

I am also having the same problem, and Dell's "so called" awared winning customer support has been nothing short of pitiful.  It's obvious that the port forwarding capability does not work.  Dell, support your product or give us our money back.

2 Posts

February 3rd, 2003 23:00

ok everyone i solved the problem of the 1184 router and yahoo webcam i returned it and bought a linksys ! 79 bucks at compusa the port forwarding works fine and the tech people helped me set i up on the phone they knew all about yahoo ! yahoo ! yahoo ! dell should take some lessons from them and by the way the linksys works with the dell wireless true mobile 1150 wireless card yahoo !

March 12th, 2003 01:00

Well, Dell just sent me a new router and guess what? It is the 1184 and I have the EXACT same problems that everyone else is having. Is there a fix for this? I do not have any firewalls on at all and I would hate to disable my WEP. Your help is appreciated as this problem is driving me NUTS!

16 Posts

March 13th, 2003 16:00

Look at the post here. I think this should solve your port problem.

March 14th, 2003 01:00

I had already been to that page and tried both specifically opening port 5100 and all ports 5000-5200.  Neither worked.  I've simply resigned myself that my webcams will not operate with this wireless router; I've kinda gotten used to reverting back to dialup whenever I want to webcam with someone.  It's a shame, tho, having to put-up with those snail-like speeds when you have fast access available - and the snag is simply that Dell doesn't support their products sufficiently to help solve this problem (that no other wireless routers seem to have)..

March 14th, 2003 01:00

Hi - thanks for the tip but that didnt work for me either. I just do not know what to do, this is so annoying.
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