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April 21st, 2015 21:00

U3415W, HDCP status repeater error message, GTX 770

I need to know if anyone has this issue or how they fixed it. I have recently received the Dell U3415W monitor and after I installed it I noticed that WinDVD Pro 11 no longer works correctly.  Whenever I try to play a Blu-ray disk it crashes and gives a no longer responding error.  But if I play a normal DVD it works just fine. As I was troubleshooting the issue to see why it was crashing, it was suggested on the forums to check the HDCP support status, and I noticed in the Nvidia control panel that under "View HDCP Status" it was giving an error:

"A repeater is connected to your system"

So I was at a lost.  I verified the mini DP cable was connected correctly. Then I switched to using a normal Display Port cable and it still gave this same error. Used the HDMI cable, same error. Then I switched back to my former Dell 24" monitor ( have 2) and no error. So it seems to follow the monitor and not the the cable or video card. I have 3 Nvidia 770 GTX video cards in SLI mode, but this works just fine with the 24" monitor so I'm sure this isn't the issue. as this been seen before? What is the repeater that is in the Monitor? How do I fix it so that it works as intended with all my Blu-Ray playback software?


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56K Posts

April 23rd, 2015 08:00

Perhaps the GTX 770 DP version is the issue. The U3415W ships with DP 1.2 enabled. Try changing the U3415W DP 1.2 to Disable which will back it down to the older version DP 1.1a. Then retest the Nvidia Control Panel HDCP.

* Press the Menu button
* Open Display
* Highlight DP 1.2
* Change it to Disable
* Exit the Menu


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56K Posts

April 24th, 2015 05:00

The fault is not with the Dell monitor hardware. This is how the Nvidia driver views our monitors with DP 1.2 enabled. To produce the required U3415W (21:9, 3440x1440, 60Hz), the Nvidia driver is stitching together two  side by side 1720x720 60Hz tile panels. Thus, their driver is seeing this dual tile as a “repeater”.

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56K Posts

April 22nd, 2015 10:00

This is not a Dell monitor hardware issue. Our monitors do not have repeater hardware in them. The fact that a new monitor does not work versus an old monitor means that their software is not up to date. Install the WinDVD 11.7 Pro update. After restarting, re-test.

5 Posts

April 22nd, 2015 11:00

That was my first thought when I got the error, even though it worked before. I thought a secret update by Microsoft might have broken it. And so I did do that update first. Sorry that I didn't include that in my first question.I had thought it was a software issue, and that was also suggested on the forums to try first. But it didn't fix the issue. What was also suggested was that I go into the Nvidia control panel and see what was going on with HDCP since that handshaking needed to work before Blu-Ray disk could be played. And when I went to the control panel there I saw what I posted above. In my above post if you look at the text just above the picture of the video card and monitor with a turtle on it, you'll see that it says:

"Your graphics card and display are HDCP-capable"

But "underneath" that picture of the graphics card and monitor is an "alert" about there being a repeater installed, and that's really my question. The Nvidia "hardware" control panel is the one giving the alert and reporting that something between the two isn't right hardware wise. If it was software, then the control panel wouldn't care because it wouldn't change the hardware reporting. Also if you look at the picture below of a different monitor attached (I do have a few different ones to play with at home, but I love this one the best, you'll see that with a "different" monitor/TV attached to my PC it doesn't give the same hardware alert in the Nvidia control panel that the U3415W does: 

So as you see the same straight connections work just fine with other monitoring devices. Also I wasn't trying to say that the monitor had a repeater, just that something seems to be possibly reporting itself to the Nvidia control panel and is now "claiming" that it's a repeater. When I did an HDMI install a while back to a projector in a ceiling we used repeaters because the distance was greater than HDMI should have been run. I've used them before, and was familiar with that error, "but" that was because something was placed in-between the video card and the projector. And when that was found by the PC, it was reported for what it was. A distance repeater. But there isn't anything between my monitor or the video card. So the question I'm at a loss for is what is in the monitor that makes the video card believe that there's a repeater attached to it? I hope I'm explaining my question better, I've been told that I can be confusing at times.

5 Posts

April 23rd, 2015 17:00

Hmmm, yes that fixed it. The alert went away. I'm not sure why that fixed it, but it did. But don't I need that for the monitor function at it's highest ability? I'm using a regular Display port cable, but won't I lose the fastest streaming available with this disabled? Also I'm running 3 cards in SLI with this monitor so I'm wondering if I've wasting the potential, but it did fix the error (See below):

5 Posts

April 24th, 2015 08:00

Thanks for you help!  (^_^) While I like WinDVD, I like the monitor better and I'm primarily using the Display port cable for Max speed/Hz, so I guess I should switch it back on. I guess VLC is what I'll use going forward since it doesn't care about the hardware/repeater, and it's free which is  a great plus. (^_^) Thanks again Chris for getting me the answer. I'll wait to see how it's handled at a later date, probably by Nvidia since 4K monitors will keep increasing in the market and it's Nvidia that's seems to be reporting it incorrectly. >=)

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56K Posts

April 24th, 2015 09:00

Concerning VLC, it allows you to go over 100% volume. Do not do this as it will overdrive the audio.

5 Posts

April 24th, 2015 15:00

Ahhh, ok. I don't use the speakers on the monitor because I always use my headset. That won't cause an issue right? Just making sure so that I don't cause any issues.  (^_^)

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56K Posts

April 24th, 2015 17:00

Just don't exceed 100%.

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