
This post is more than 5 years old


January 8th, 2010 21:00

2709W - Does it support displayport audio?

Since ATI released new drivers that enable displayport audio, I was wondering if my monitor supports it or not.


Community Manager


56K Posts

January 9th, 2010 14:00

It should, please test it.

January 9th, 2010 14:00

I can't seem to get it to work.

I have HDMI and displayport plugged into my monitor atm both from my video card.

HDMI sound comes through fine but theres nothing from displayport.  Is there anything special I need to set?

Community Manager


56K Posts

January 9th, 2010 21:00

I cannot find any Ati documentation on how to set it up. What operating system and video card?

January 9th, 2010 23:00

I am on Windows 7 Pro 64 bit and an ATI Radeon 5850.

The release notes for the the latest drivers say it is supported.



3.   Support for DisplayPort audio

§  The ATI Catalyst™ 9.12 Hotfix release adds support for DisplayPort audio for DisplayPort panels

4 Posts

February 19th, 2010 18:00

I have same question. HD5850+2709W win7  64bit ,ati cat 9.12hotfix~10.2,The "ati dp output" always display "not plugged in".

3 Posts

February 19th, 2010 19:00

I would think that for your pc\monitor combination to be capable of utilizing displayport, you must have displayport connections on both of them.

Do you?:emotion-15:

4 Posts

February 19th, 2010 19:00

Of course, displayport cable connected.

Community Manager


56K Posts

February 19th, 2010 20:00

It's not the monitor. It's the video card driver that has full control over the audio. The Display Port audio on the monitor is totally passive and dependent on the video card driver to tell it what to do. Ati will have to be notified and hopefully fix their driver. Have you both tried the 10.2s?

4 Posts

February 19th, 2010 20:00

I have  tried 9.12hotfix~10.2,The audio devices "ati dp output" always display "not plugged in".I will test the 10.3 Preview later..

4 Posts

February 20th, 2010 05:00

10.3 pre, the auido driver is same as 10.2,and same problem.

February 20th, 2010 14:00

It's the same for me as well.  It shows up as ATI DP output, but says "not plugged in"

3 Posts

November 18th, 2010 11:00



Do you have any news regarding 2709W DisplayPort audio support ?

Did someone make more tests ?

It works on the U2410 / U2711 : http://en.community.dell.com/support-forums/peripherals/f/3529/t/19311234.aspx

It should work with 2709W, shouldn't it ?


Chris M, do you have more infos / tests / feedbacks ?


I plan to buy this monitor, and DisplayPort audio support is mandatory for me :emotion-1:


Thank you very much :emotion-21:




3 Posts

November 21st, 2010 08:00


Any clue ?

Thank you very much !



Community Manager


56K Posts

November 24th, 2010 21:00

In theory it should. But the DP audio is dependent on the video card driver. I cannot find one to test on.

3 Posts

October 31st, 2011 15:00

This monitor unfortunately DOES NOT support audio through DisplayPort.

The only solution I found is a DisplayPort --> HDMI cable. With this one my computer's sound is correctly managed by the screen.

Very poor solution, I would have preferred DisplayPort only solution. But I keep this monitor because it is one of the last 1920x1200 with a screen size > 24 inches.

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