This post is more than 5 years old
10 Posts
October 26th, 2016 03:00
my Laptop hinge is broken
Hi, my Laptop hinge is broken, and it pushes the back cover which loses the thread of back cover. I want to know if I can buy to you a new back cover for my Dell Inspiron 15 5447
DELL-Akshatha M
2 Intern
2 Intern
1.2K Posts
October 26th, 2016 04:00
Hi adrianbelen,
Thank you for reaching out to Dell Community Forum.
For me to better assist in troubleshooting, please click my DELL-username and send me a Private Message with the Dell Service Tag number and your email address.
Note: please don't mention the service tag or email id on the public forum as it contains your personal information
10 Posts
October 26th, 2016 17:00
ok i did your request
DELL-Akshatha M
2 Intern
2 Intern
1.2K Posts
October 27th, 2016 07:00
Hi adrianbelen,
Thank you I have responded to your private message.