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This post is more than 5 years old


2 Posts


May 31st, 2002 10:00

WARNING: 70 Watt (20V,3.5A) AC adapter detected.

About 1 week ago, I started receiving the following warning when starting my new P4 8200. Within the past few days, my battery charge when on AC recovers at about 1% per day, making it unusable on battery.

WARNING: 70 Watt (20V,3.5A) AC adapter detected. System will not be capable of running in full performance mode without a 90 Watt (20v,4.5A) AC adapter.

Having reviewed this site I fear mine may not be an isolated problem with the Dell Laptop and power management.

The only co-incidence I can offer is this started around the time of using a Hauppauge Nova USB digital TV receiver attached to the USB port. I am in the process of uninstalling it to discover if there is a connection.

I have also started getting suspend problems and frequently need to eject the battery to close down.

If anyone knows the cause &/or Solution, I'd appreciate your assistance. I already have a number of desktops and use a laptop for its portability features.

I have tried raising a support call with Dell but having waited 2 days so far since replying to their automated response system, no one has been in touch.

Thank you,

Cheltenham UK

28 Posts

June 1st, 2002 03:00

Sounds like you have a defective A/C adatper. A few other people have had this problem. Call Dell support.


Inspiron 7500 & 8200.
for Inspiron 8200 FAQ, goto:

Message Edited on 06/03/02 09:21PM by thebithead

June 17th, 2002 23:00

I had this happen and found that if you remove the battery and press the test switch and then reinset it this goes away. However i can't recharge my battery.

2 Posts

June 19th, 2002 20:00

I intend to ask Dell for a replacement power supply.

September 25th, 2003 18:00

I, too, have experienced the same warning message with my Dell 8200.  I checked all connectors for damage or wear but did not find any. Dell replaced my adapter and I continue to encounter the message even with the new adapter.

I did not install any hardware nor software so the system had not changed in any way to cause this condition.  I'm still looking for a solution.

1 Message

September 26th, 2003 04:00

I was getting the same warning message with my i8200.  It's a motherboard problem.

Dell replaced my motherboard (under my complete care warranty), and that fixed it.

I believe Dell is going to start seeing lots of these failures, as I had mine for about a year before it developed the problem, and I got my 8200 fairly early on.  Nothing specific triggered it, as far as I can tell.  It just started seeing both of my 90W adapters as 70W ones (and thus restricting my machine to low-speed mode as long as I was plugged in.)      Extremely annoying...


2 Posts

September 26th, 2003 18:00

I have Dell inspiron 8200 (2000 mhz,512mb,Ati radeon 9000...)

PROBLEM is:he allwazs shows that the adapter is 70W (20V-3,5A) even so adapter is originalz and is 90W (20V-4.51A) becosuse

he sonot cgarge mz battery.Please help. Me and rell me what to do...



Dragan    e-mail

3 Posts

November 4th, 2003 16:00

Hi.  I am having the same problem. Dell had to replace your motherboard? Did they offer any other explainations?

I called and placed a repair ticket in with Dell, however they are giving me the big runaround. They tell me it is my power cord.

Please help me.


November 5th, 2003 00:00

I had the exact same problem with my Dell 8200.  I had to go exhaust all of Dell's less expensive and time consuming fixes until they finally conceded that it was the motherboard.  Dell replaced it under warranty and I have had no problems with the unit since.

You probably will have to resign yourself to trying each of thier solutions until they decide it really is the motherboard.  But, it really is the motherboard.

Good luck,


21 Posts

November 5th, 2003 10:00

I find that Dell generally will let you skip 3 or 4 steps if you can prove to them you know what you're doing (try to call during US daytime -- the off-shore techs don't speak English well enough to understand that you know it I've found) - I had the problem with my AC adapter and they replaced the brick (stupid - I have 3 and all 3 failed at the same time? SUUURRREEE) but after that they said Mobo and I sent it back.
Of course, now getting it to charge is an excercise in patience (moving the system will make me have to toy with the cable for a good while - again with 3 bricks so it has to be the contacts on the reciever or something similar)
What I'm personally perturbed about is that a system coming back from the depot shouldn't have such an obvious problem as not recognizing AC power without effort (10-20 minutes every time I move the machine more than a hair); I can't afford to send the system away for ANOTHER week of repairs >.<

3 Posts

November 10th, 2003 19:00

Hi dbhutchinson. You are right about the motherboard. Finally a Dell Certified Tech came to my home to troubleshoot my Inspiron 8200. He found it was not the power cord or the brick, but in fact was the motherboard. He replaced it and not only does it run well, but it is now recharging the batteries.

So, I want to thank you for posting because without your post, I would have not known what avenue to persue. Dell telephone techs kept trying to tell me that I did not know what I was talking about, however I proved them wrong.

Also, thanks to the Dell tech who came to replace the motherboard. He was just as perplexed about the issue as I was.



7 Posts

November 28th, 2003 16:00

I have a one year Inspiron 8200 that has developed this exact same problem.  I have been using the original AC adaptor for one year.  Two months ago I purchased from Dell a second AC adaptor to keep in my carrying case so I wouldn't have to keep unplugging the orginal one when I travelled.  Now, both AC adaptors give me the same warning message.

Further ino:  I updated the BIOS one month ago and the computer was working fine.  I have double checked both AC adaptors and they are 20V, 4.5A original Dell products.  The battery is not being recharged.  I am down to 12% and it don't look good for the home team.  The computer will run without the battery plugged in.

Has the forum decided if this is a  1) AC adaptor issue    2) BIOS problem  3) Motherboard issue?  Any assistance would be most appreciated as calling the Dell tech folks is never a pleasant experience.

3 Posts

December 8th, 2003 04:00

I have the exact problem with the exact error message showing up.  My situation started with my original ac adapter broke; the cord had a rip in it.  After i tried to tape it back together and plug it in the "70 watts" message showed up.  So i decide to order a new one.  With the new one the same error message show up.  I don't know if the new one is deficitive or not but i assume its working.  I updated my bios and that didn't help.  So now i am stuck with a notebook which does not charge my battery and has to be constantly plug in.  Please advise.

3 Posts

March 1st, 2009 19:00

Same's only happening to my 8200 now.

Everything works on AC power, but the batteries aren't being recharged.

Thanks in advance.

4 Posts

November 13th, 2010 00:00

·                            My Dell Latitude C840 displays the same "warning: 70 Watt (20V, 3.5A) AC adapter detected" error message even when a known good 90 watt AC adapter is connected. It also won't charge the batteries anymore.

The laptop is clearly not under warranty anymore, but it was/is a really solid machine and I would like to repair it if possible. Does anybody know if this is the internal power supply that has failed and is it a replaceable component or is it part of the motherboard?

Any info on parts availability or even locations to send it for repair if I can't do it myself would be greatly appreciated.




3 Posts

November 14th, 2010 19:00

After discussing with Dell, the guy figured it was the motherboard.  Better to use the money for new computer.  Now, I just keep it plugged in and use it as a desktop.

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