
This post is more than 5 years old

2 Posts


May 23rd, 2017 18:00

Dell Audio "MAXX Audio Pro" Issue

Hello Dell community, I have an issue with the latest version of Dell Audio's sound drivers, and was wondering if any of you have a similar issue, or better yet, a way to fix the problem.

For starters, I have a Dell Inspiron 15 7559 laptop. Whenever I plug in my headset and join into a voice call, I will get reverb audio, making everyone in the call sound almost robotic. After searching through and messing with Dell Audio's settings, I was able to find that the issue was coming from having MAXX Audio Pro settings enabled.  So now everything seems to be fine. However, every time I disconnect and then reconnect my headset, or any time I open Dell Audio after disabling the MAXX Audio settings, they are re-enabled. It's not the biggest issue mind you, but it is a tedious bug that I would like to know how to solve if any of you have come across a solution! :emotion-1:

As far as ways I have tried to solve this issue myself, I have tried uninstalling dell's custom Realtek audio driver, and instead installing Realtek's audio drivers off of their website. This amounted to a failed solution, as it did remove MAXX Audio all together, but voice calls could no linger function at all. If it helps, my headset plugs into the dual headset port in the laptop, and I use a mic/audio splitter.

Thanks to any Dell community members that are able to give any insight. 

Community Manager


2.6K Posts

May 26th, 2017 15:00

Sorry for the late reply on this, were you still having issues with the system? I will be out until Tuesday but will be happy to help, and also, if you're still have trouble with the system please Private Message me your Service Tag. 

Best regards,


2 Posts

May 26th, 2017 17:00

Hi there Brad. After a few more minutes of tinkering, I was able to actually find a workaround to my issue. For anyone that has the same problem, here's my solution:

1. Open up Dell Audio Sound Manager

2. Click on Speaker/Microphone on the top bar, and then MAXX AUDIO PRO on the left side bar.

3. Un-check every check box on that page.

4. Next to "Preset" near the top of the menu, click the save icon (floppy disk to the right of the trash can icon).

5. Name the new preset "Off"

6. Close the program, and now you should have no issues swapping between your headset and laptop speakers.

Hope this helps someone!

4 Operator


13.6K Posts

May 29th, 2017 07:00

Hope this helps someone!

Thanks for posting that. I added  it to the Recent Issues FAQ under the Inspiron 7559 section.

3 Apprentice


4.3K Posts

May 29th, 2017 21:00

I get very confused reading such a post.  To me, and I may misunderstand, some of the items you mention do not make sense.

For starters, I have a Dell Inspiron 15 7559 laptop. Whenever I plug in my headset and join into a voice call, I will get reverb audio. I was able to find that the issue was coming from having MAXX Audio Pro settings enabled.   However, every time I disconnect and then reconnect my headset, or any time I open Dell Audio after disabling the MAXX Audio settings, they are re-enabled. It's not the biggest issue mind you, but it is a tedious bug that I would like to know how to solve if any of you have come across a solution! :emotion-1:

This issue is normally solved by saving the preferences for the device plugged in, but having enhancements in both Waves and Windows can cause distortions.

As far as ways I have tried to solve this issue myself, I have tried uninstalling dell's custom Realtek audio driver, and instead installing Realtek's audio drivers off of their website. This amounted to a failed solution, as it did remove MAXX Audio all together, but voice calls could no linger function at all. If it helps, my headset plugs into the dual headset port in the laptop, and I use a mic/audio splitter.

I do not have a headset with separate output inputs so no experience with a combiner and how it might work.  Your mention of a Dell Audio Manager is normally only for systems with both input and output audio ports.  So possibly you have a modified driver install, i.e. Waves disabled.  The last time I installed directly from the Realtek site it reinstalled Maxx Audio, which is required for a Combined Audio port.

Many folks have been unhappy with the popup windows related to Waves, but for a combined audio port, it appears to be necessary for system operation.

4 Operator


13.6K Posts

May 30th, 2017 06:00

Many folks have been unhappy with the popup windows related to Waves, but for a combined audio port, it appears to be necessary for system operation.

Hello Saltgrass. Dell has been using combo jacks in various laptop models for about 7 years now. Most of them do not require a popup to work.

If a popup is required on recent Dell laptop models with Realtek audio chips, the requirement is imposed by Realtek in the way it wrote the driver, not by the fact that the laptop has a combo jack. I would think a skilled driver hacker could eliminate the requirement for the popup.

A combo jack should work just like the normal HD audio jacks on Dell laptops. It's just a different physical form. By "HD", I mean Intel's HD protocol, which specifies that the motherboard audio system has to support configurable jacks. The configuration options, if any, are left to the manufacturer. Normally, there is detection technology that can determine the jack's configuration requirements without much user input.

Dell has produced laptops with one, two, or three audio jacks. Some had popups, some didn't, it just depends on the choices made by the driver writer. Realtek has lately chosen to go with a complex popup system, probably to maximize the potential of the amazing Waves software. Unfortunately, their system is overly complex, subject to glitches, and comes with no user manual. All of which ends with with many users perceiving it as bloatware.

3 Apprentice


4.3K Posts

May 30th, 2017 07:00

Hello Saltgrass. Dell has been using combo jacks in various laptop models for about 7 years now. Most of them do not require a popup to work.

Of my 5 dell systems, only the ones with separate audio ports have the ability to turn off the popup.  Win 10 may have changed what was or is possible.

If a popup is required on recent Dell laptop models with Realtek audio chips, the requirement is imposed by Realtek in the way it wrote the driver, not by the fact that the laptop has a combo jack. I would think a skilled driver hacker could eliminate the requirement for the popup.

As far as I know, the newer systems with Win 10 will have the popup with no option for the user to disable it, as there is on the separate port systems.  Microsoft states in one of their videos, if a setting is not configurable through a user interface, then other extraordinary methods to change the setting should not be used.

Since I have seen no response in any of these threads which would allow a user to stop the popup and maintain normal operation of their system, a suggestion to accept the popup is the best answer.

4 Operator


13.6K Posts

May 30th, 2017 08:00

Saltgrass, i understand your opinion and am not trying to dispute it. I just wanted to get the facts about the combo jacks out there for anybody who might come across this thread in future.

Community Manager


2.6K Posts

June 1st, 2017 13:00

Thanks for the update! I am glad you got it working!

Best regards,


1 Message

September 11th, 2017 04:00

Hi, This isn't really a solution, because the sound is different (and much worse!) then when disabled.

I don't have only this problem with switching outputs, but also when opening a different tab in Dell Audio and when I close Dell Audio and open it again, it's immediately on again. It's  extremely annoying and already for so long.

i would think it can't be that hard the get this bug away and provide us an update. So Dell, take this serious, pleeaaaaase?

I only want to use equalizer now and then for some extra bass in my headphones.

I really doubt if there's anyone in the world who benefits of these enhancements. I never ever found ever one audio enhancement which in fact enhanced a sound. Just get decent speakers or headphones. Bad speakers will never sound good. (no high end stuff here btw...)

Maxxsense? Really: NoSense!

September 12th, 2017 06:00

I have premier support and after speaker replacement (Right side) the problem persisted. Support and I tried removing , back reving , disabling drivers the problem still existed. Both speaker would play and then right side speaker would cut out and left side would muffle. I found the only way to stop the issues was shut of the Maxxwave and then lower the volume in windows sound mixer. I had to play with it on and off, but the level of sound in which in would stabilize was so low you could hardly hear the speakers.

It almost as if the MaxxWave driver is over driving the speakers. Support agents I worked with said they have not heard of the issue. I can't see how, brand new out of the box the issue was there.  

I was even asked "Who installed the MaxxWave software". Came with the image, i never installed it.

Inspiron 15 Gaming 7567.

I was going to re-image, but had and issue with the recovery tool "can not connect to backend"

I escalated for a system exchange. Will see what happens.

September 12th, 2017 06:00

BTW, they wanted to replace the MB, which I know would be refurbished and I don't think it is a sound card issue.

I have research at many sites. This issue is nothing new, been around since Windows 10 and Maxxwave became the audio manager and is across many laptop platforms.

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