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3 Posts


August 7th, 2018 11:00

SCCM Integration Suite Installation Error (1607)

I am getting an error installing the SCCM Integration Suite , error 1607.  The GUI just rolls back and the logs are not helping me determine the issue causing the problem.  Any help appreciated, log below;


=== Logging started: 8/7/2018 10:59:15 ===

1: Percent complete: 0
1: StatusText in XML: Importing the Dell Client Custom Reboot package
1: Processing XML file: C:\Program Files\Dell\CommandIntegrationSuite\setup\Install_302_CustomRebootPkg.xml
1: Installing Component in C:\Program Files\Dell\CommandIntegrationSuite\setup\Install_302_CustomRebootPkg.xml using LogDir C:\Program Files\Dell\CommandIntegrationSuite\setup
1: Install Component output:
Error! Processing the XML file exited with an error (1);
File in process: C:\Program Files\Dell\CommandIntegrationSuite\setup\Install_302_CustomRebootPkg.xml
1: Failure while processing SCCM objects. Return value = 1001
1: ======================================================
Error! Processing the XML file exited with an error (1);
File in process: C:\Program Files\Dell\CommandIntegrationSuite\setup\Install_302_CustomRebootPkg.xml
1: ===[ RETURN CODE = 1001 ]===
InstallShield 10:59:19: Returning script function result
InstallShield 10:59:19: CallScriptFunctionFromMsiCA() ends, result 0x643
CustomAction InstallSccmComponents returned actual error code 1603 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)
Action ended 10:59:19: InstallFinalize. Return value 3.

1: Unable to get value of '_ADMINUI_OEM_FOLDER_'
InstallShield 10:59:19: Returning script function result
InstallShield 10:59:19: CallScriptFunctionFromMsiCA() ends, result 0x643
CustomAction RollBackSccmComponents returned actual error code 1603 but will be translated to success due to continue marking
Info 1903.Scheduling reboot operation: Deleting file C:\Program Files\Dell\CommandIntegrationSuite\Setup\TBD98F5.tmp. Must reboot to complete operation.
Info 1903.Scheduling reboot operation: Deleting file C:\Program Files\Dell\CommandIntegrationSuite\Setup\TBD98F6.tmp. Must reboot to complete operation.

Property(S): DWUSINTERVAL = 30
Property(S): DWUSLINK = CEAC8028B98C27B8FEAC709FAE7C978FE93C508FFEEBD058CEFB80B81E8B40B8A98CA7FFA9AC
Property(S): DefaultUIFont = Tahoma8
Property(S): Dell_CMERegName = ConfigManagerExtentions
Property(S): Dell_ProductName = CommandIntegrationSuite
Property(S): Dell_WarrantyRegName = Warranty
Property(S): Dell_vProOOBRegName = CommandIntelvProOutOfBand
Property(S): DialogCaption = Windows Installer
Property(S): DisplayNameCustom = Custom
Property(S): DisplayNameMinimal = Minimal
Property(S): DisplayNameTypical = Typical
Property(S): ErrorDialog = SetupError
Property(S): ISVROOT_PORT_NO = 0
Property(S): IS_COMPLUS_PROGRESSTEXT_COST = Costing COM+ application: [1]
Property(S): IS_COMPLUS_PROGRESSTEXT_INSTALL = Installing COM+ application: [1]
Property(S): IS_COMPLUS_PROGRESSTEXT_UNINSTALL = Uninstalling COM+ application: [1]
Property(S): IS_PREVENT_DOWNGRADE_EXIT = A newer version of this application is already installed on this computer. If you wish to install this version, please uninstall the newer version first. Click OK to exit the wizard.
Property(S): IS_PROGMSG_TEXTFILECHANGS_REPLACE = Replacing %s with %s in %s...
Property(S): IS_PROGMSG_XML_COSTING = Costing XML files...
Property(S): IS_PROGMSG_XML_CREATE_FILE = Creating XML file %s...
Property(S): IS_PROGMSG_XML_FILES = Performing XML file changes...
Property(S): IS_PROGMSG_XML_REMOVE_FILE = Removing XML file %s...
Property(S): IS_PROGMSG_XML_ROLLBACK_FILES = Rolling back XML file changes...
Property(S): IS_PROGMSG_XML_UPDATE_FILE = Updating XML file %s...
Property(S): InstallChoice = AR
Property(S): MMC_OPEN = false
Property(S): Manufacturer = Dell Inc.
Property(S): MsiLogging = voicewarmupx
Property(S): NewProperty2 = 0
Property(S): OkToShutdownMMC = false
Property(S): PIDTemplate = 12345<###-%%%%%%%>@@@@@
Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_CREATEAPPPOOL = Creating application pool %s
Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_CREATEAPPPOOLS = Creating application Pools...
Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_CREATEVROOT = Creating IIS virtual directory %s
Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_CREATEVROOTS = Creating IIS virtual directories...
Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_CREATEWEBSERVICEEXTENSION = Creating web service extension
Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_CREATEWEBSERVICEEXTENSIONS = Creating web service extensions...
Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_CREATEWEBSITE = Creating IIS website %s
Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_CREATEWEBSITES = Creating IIS websites...
Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_EXTRACT = Extracting information for IIS virtual directories...
Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_EXTRACTDONE = Extracted information for IIS virtual directories...
Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_EXTRACTDONEz = Extracted information for IIS virtual directories...
Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_EXTRACTzDONE = Extracted information for IIS virtual directories...
Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_REMOVEAPPPOOL = Removing application pool
Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_REMOVEAPPPOOLS = Removing application pools...
Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_REMOVESITE = Removing web site at port %d
Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_REMOVEVROOT = Removing IIS virtual directory %s
Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_REMOVEVROOTS = Removing IIS virtual directories...
Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_REMOVEWEBSERVICEEXTENSION = Removing web service extension
Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_REMOVEWEBSERVICEEXTENSIONS = Removing web service extensions...
Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_REMOVEWEBSITES = Removing IIS websites...
Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_ROLLBACKAPPPOOLS = Rolling back application pools...
Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_ROLLBACKVROOTS = Rolling back virtual directory and web site changes...
Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_ROLLBACKWEBSERVICEEXTENSIONS = Rolling back web service extensions...
Property(S): ProductID = none
Property(S): ProductLanguage = 1033
Property(S): ProductName = Dell Command | Integration Suite for System Center
Property(S): ProgressType0 = install
Property(S): ProgressType1 = Installing
Property(S): ProgressType2 = installed
Property(S): ProgressType3 = installs
Property(S): RebootYesNo = Yes
Property(S): ReinstallModeText = omus
Property(S): TreeView = 0
Property(S): UninstallSccmObjectTree = 0
Property(S): _RemoveSCCMComponents_ = 0
Property(S): _TOOLKIT_PACKAGE_NAME_ = Client Configuration Toolkit Integration
Property(S): SETUPEXENAME = DCIS_Setup_5_0_0.exe
Property(S): MsiLogFileLocation = C:\Windows\ccmcache\a\log.log
Property(S): ARPINSTALLLOCATION = C:\Program Files\Dell\CommandIntegrationSuite\
Property(S): RollbackSccmComponents = C:\Program Files\Dell\CommandIntegrationSuite\
Property(S): VersionDatabase = 200
Property(S): MsiSystemRebootPending = 1
Property(S): CLIENTPROCESSID = 3796
Property(S): CLIENTUILEVEL = 3
Property(S): CURRENTDIRECTORY = C:\Windows\ccmcache\a
Property(S): SETUPEXEDIR = C:\Windows\ccmcache\a
Property(S): PackagecodeChanging = 1
Property(S): ProductState = -1
Property(S): PackageCode = {A5E427D7-3B00-4EEC-85A8-1DA341BE1B90}
Property(S): USERNAME = csuf
MSI (s) (EC:38) [10:59:21:176]: Product: Dell Command | Integration Suite for System Center -- Installation operation failed.
MSI (s) (EC:38) [10:59:21:177]: Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: Dell Command | Integration Suite for System Center. Product Version: Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: Dell Inc.. Installation success or error status: 1603.
=== Logging stopped: 8/7/2018 10:59:21 ===

3 Posts

August 8th, 2018 14:00


3 Posts

August 10th, 2018 11:00


1 Message

March 8th, 2019 19:00

Hi, Have you fixed the problem? I am getting the same error installing the Dell Command | Integration Suite for System Center 5.0.1 (Windows Server 2016, SCCM 1810).


May 27th, 2019 01:00


I'm not able to install it too. Running into some issues when installing. Install is rolling back when nearly finished.

Furthermore, the local user (an admin) had to be added to a new usergroup named "Users" to install in general because the german name of this existing group ("Benutzer") can't be used.

We are using SCCM 2016 version 1902 on Windows Server 2016

September 24th, 2020 01:00

Did you find a solution?

1 Message

June 12th, 2023 07:00

Here's what I had to do to resolve the issue:

  1. Uninstall Configuration Manager from my workstation
  2. Install the tools (which worked successfully)
  3. Reinstall Configuration Manager
  4. Re-run the Dell installer (with modify as the selected install option)
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