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September 16th, 2009 08:00

Sleep mode problem

My computer will not wake up after it goes into sleep mode, and I have to turn the power off and completely restart the computer.  The keyboard sometimes will not work if I have been using the mouse for a period of time, but not using the keyboard.  The only way to make it work is to restart the computer.  I have installed new batteries in both the keyboard and the mouse (both are wireless), but no improvement.  I have changed the power options so it will never go into sleep mode, but the problem continues.  Any help would be appreciated.

9 Posts

December 25th, 2009 10:00

I solved my problem when I changed my virus scan/firewall package.  I was using CA Associates package which is free from my ISP.  I switched to Microsoft Security Essentials which is a free download from the website.  It provides virus scan and spyware protection.  I also am using the Windows provided firewall.  Now, my computer awakens when I open the lid and my sound problem is solved as well.  Apparently, Win 7 didn't like CA for whatever reason.  Don't let anyone from Dell try  to talk you into deleting and reinstalling Win 7.  That is what the tech support guy I talked with wanted me to do and I thought it seemed too extreme for a brand new operating system on a brand new computer.  I found this solution on my own through trial and error.

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55.1K Posts

September 16th, 2009 11:00

What PC model and operating system?

What USB port is the wireless transmitter plugged into?

1 Message

October 12th, 2009 15:00

Hi.  I'm having the same problem on my 1521 laptop.  Did you ever get an answer or a fix to the problem?  Thanks

October 28th, 2009 18:00

I'm having the same problem with Windows 7 on my Dimension 410. It wakes up from sleep, but the mouse is frozen. Yeah, latest drivers and all that.....  Sleep mode worked fine on Vista.


UPDATE: Turns out it will never work. Dell has decided that this 2.5 year old computer is not going to be upgradable to Windows 7, so no BIOS upgrades which is probably what I need to fix this.  This computer is not on Dell's list of computers ready for Windows 7 even though the software advisor showed no problems.  Looks like my next computer won't be a Dell.  The problem turned out to be the Microsoft mouse; specifically the hardware, the software is fine. Plugging in a different mouse fixed the problem.  I don't really care for this mouse (it's the standard Dell one, too small for me) so now all I need to do is find a decent one that has a wire on it. I just don't understand wireless mice/keyboards for desktop computers. What's the point?

84 Posts

October 29th, 2009 18:00

I have an Inspiron 530 that came with Vista.  I upgraded to Windows 7 last Sunday.  Now when the computer comes out of sleep I have to reboot my DSL modem to make the ethernet lite come back on the modem.  Also worked fine on Vista.


9 Posts

November 17th, 2009 20:00

I have same problem with brand new Studio 15 running Windows 7.  When I lift the lid after computer has gone to sleep mode, it just get a gray screen. Computer is totally unresponsive.  I can lower and lift lid several times but no response.  I have to turn off the computer with the power button and turn it back on.  This seems like a bug to me - just got the computer on Oct 29.

1 Message

November 26th, 2009 18:00

i too encounter U2410 monitor sleep problem. It goes on in a cycle repeatedly, no picture.

I am using a Nvidia GTX 260 connected via DVI. I read that some people in forums are also having this issue.

It has got nothing to do with using either MBP or PC desktop. Probably a firmware bug.


November 30th, 2009 10:00


i too encounter U2410 monitor sleep problem. It goes on in a cycle repeatedly, no picture.

I am using a Nvidia GTX 260 connected via DVI. I read that some people in forums are also having this issue.

It has got nothing to do with using either MBP or PC desktop. Probably a firmware bug.

In Control Panel/Device Manager, check the power management settings for the network interface card. All boxes should be un-checked.  (I had this problem too, and this fixed it. This is another Win 7 bug, I think)

1 Message

December 25th, 2009 09:00

Did you ever get an answer? I have the same problem with a Latitude E6400: when it goes to sleep, the only way to bring it back is a complete reboot. In my case there is no mouse and there is no sleep option for network adapter card, so many of these other answers do not apply. I can't believe the only answer is, "turn off all sleep modes", which is what Dell tech support's database says.

6 Posts

February 2nd, 2010 11:00

I have the same issue with my XPS 9000 that is running Windows 7. It happens frequently (2 -3) times per month that it will not wake up after it has gone into sleep mode It has happended twice in this last week.. The only way to recover is completely power down and restart the computer. Is this a known hardware or software issue? I would also appreciate any help to correct this problem.

2 Posts

March 23rd, 2010 00:00

Yes, same issue with my xps 9000 too. Supposedly Microsoft released a hot fit for it but I have not tried it. At the moment I am dealing with my CPU fan not coming back to normal speed once it kicks to high spin. Did you experience anything like that?


4 Posts

June 11th, 2010 22:00

I have a xps 9000 that does the same thing.  I have spent hours with teck support from the time I got my Dell in January 2010 and no help.  I am ready to make them take it back!  Only if I new how.

9 Posts

June 12th, 2010 11:00

i solved my sleep mode problem by changing my anti-virus software.  I was using CA and switched to Microsoft Security Essentials.  It is can be downloaded and installed for free and works great.  Changing anti-virus software solved two problems - the sleep problem and the choppiness in audio/video.  Give it a try!

1 Message

September 17th, 2010 18:00

I'm having a very simular problem. I put my computer to sleep and a couple hours later i hit enter to start it back up and the computer started back up. The monitor would not turn on. I restarted a number of times, unplugged the cpu and monitor, i even moved the video card to a new slot on my MB. Nothing. I grabbed an old video card and put it in and it works. It doesn't fit into the slots that the old card did. I went online and tried updates drivers and still no luck. The control pannel/device monitor doesn't show any issue with the card or it not working properly.

I put my graphic's card into another pc and it works fine. I'm starting to think it has to be the slots on the mother bord. I update the bios for the bord and I'm running out of options. Took out the onbord battery incase it was cycled as sleep outport. I"m lost as to any idea's   Help

I'm useing a Dell XPS Win 7 (64bit)


9 Posts

March 2nd, 2011 18:00

I tried this, without success so far, though I've not rebooted since I unchecked the boxes.


One of those though, seems like it should be left checked. --- Allow this machine to be waked?

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