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This post is more than 5 years old


March 3rd, 2002 02:00

Palm Pilot Hotsync problems

Hopefully someone can help with this one. Let's see if I can make a long story short. Have a Palm Vx that I had been using on my old computer (486 with windows 98). Hotsync worked great (even after buying and installing the PalmConnect USB Kit).

Got new computer with Windows XP, installed the Desktop software and the USB kit software. Had to go the web site to get the XP drivers for the USB. It worked fine for a while and then nothing. The hotsync operation wouldn't work. Did go to Palm website and upgraded the a newer version of the Desktop software thinking this might help. Didn't!! The error message "the connection between your handheld computer and the desktop could not be established." is all I get.

Decided to try to connect to the COM port to see if that would work. Now I get this message "The selected port, COM 1, is not available at this time. Hotsync Manager will open the port when it becomes available."

Any help at all will be appreciated. I have emailed the Palm support but they haven't replied yet.



118 Posts

March 3rd, 2002 02:00

Same thing happened to me with a palm handheld. The message you are getting: "The selected port, COM 1, is not available at this time. Hotsync Manager will open the port when it becomes available." happens when you first boot up the machine. If you wait about 1 minute before you hotsync then it will work. I have mine connected through the COM 1 port and this happens to me all the time. I just allow my system to completely load all icons next to the clock and wait for hard drive activity to slow, then I hotsync. There is no need to reinstall Palm Desktop. Also if you right click on the palm hotsync icon next to the clock, make sure local serial is selected and checked on the list.

Let me know if this helps. If not I will investigate for you!

Good luck!

4 Posts

March 3rd, 2002 02:00

I know this is a really LONG shot, but here goes.

When a similar thing happened to my IPAQ (I told you it was a long shot), I had some success by reinstalling the desktop software, even though it appeared to have been installed successfully the first time. It worked.

Also, sometimes my IPAQ will not make a sync connection and I am able to get it working again by resetting the hand held unit. The IPAQ's have a button on the bottom that you push with the stylus that essentially does a soft reset or a reboot of the unit.

I said it was a long shot, but it may be worth a try. Let us know when you get this resolved. Thanks.

4 Posts

March 3rd, 2002 11:00

Hello! Thanks for the reply. The message about the com port not being available doesn't just happen when I boot up. I checked the hotsync setup and serial is selected. Now when I try to hotsynch I get a different message though. "Message from OFFICE to OFFICE. A power failure has occureed at OFFICE. Please terminate all activity with this server." This is getting more and more interesting and frustrating.

Let me know if you find anything else out. Thanks!

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