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October 8th, 2008 22:00

PC will not start up->yellow light blinking

so, hello

ive a big problem:

one day, when i would start up my XPS 710, nothing happend, except a yellow light was blinking by the powerbutton(where it should normally be glowing green after pressing the button). so red in the manual, where it says that this sort of light will mean there is a problem with the intern power supply. but i couldnt find any wrong thing inside. so i thougt its something with the voltage, and i plugged the cable in antoher room. after that, everything worked fine(start up, no problems).

but in the last days i would play some battlefield 2142(never played it before on vista/this pc). in the middle of a round, suddenly, everything freezed, and i had to reboot(with pressing the powerbutton, 'cause nothing else worked). i pressed the button again, for starting up, but then the yellow blinking light was by the button. i had to wait 2 hours(!!), in this time i took it from the electrical grid, and then i could start the pc. now this happens everytime when i play for something like an hour, and so ive everytime to wait 2-3 hours(think it allways goes longer, tonight 4 hours). I mean that cant be!!


could it be something with my power-supply? if one with 750w.

or something with my harddrive(have a new, but from dell, and they sent it to me, so i dont think that they give my wrong stuff)or something with my graphics-card?(ive a nvidia 8800gtx and 2 screens, 22"&24")


please help me(ive to work woth my pc, so i cant wait everytime, and sometimes it happens too when i let it in the stand-by)



Message Edited by danteee on 10-08-2008 07:07 PM
Message Edited by danteee on 10-09-2008 09:35 AM

October 9th, 2008 04:00

Yes Me Too,you and me have same problem,my optiplex 320 windows XP SP3.

The chronology is,

1.when i try to install  opensuse 11 its, first i create a free space 15Gb.

2.i boot from DVD open suse

3. then i choose installation, and then my lcd show error that cannot display 1280x1028

4. and then the computer shutdown and the power button start to blinking yellow. i doubt the problem was because i try to install open suse.


i read in the manual,it say probbaly the power supply so i try :

1.i try to reconnect again the power supply button to the motherboard and its not solve,

2.i even change the power supply with the same model and its not solve,

3. I reconect again the vga cable to the monitor and cpu and alsu the monitor power.

4.i plug the power to the different electrical outlet in the same room its not solve....any one can help ?

Message Edited by Superbaim on 10-09-2008 12:49 AM

3 Posts

October 9th, 2008 13:00

sooo, i tried some new things: everytime when my screen freezed i had to press and hold the powerbutton(try to restart/shut down violently). now i think it could be that it has nothing to do with the game, except that it cause the freeze. so i pressed and held the powerbutton when i was not playing any game(when everything worked fine, no freeze), so it shut down, but after that i couldnt start my pc again->same problem like before.


so the problem is: when i have to shut down the pc by pressing and hold the powerbutton(because nothing else works), i cant restart it for 2-3 hours.

3.4K Posts

October 9th, 2008 22:00


Take a look at this trouble shooting page for your XPS 710.

What do the diagnostic lists tell you? Have you run the Dell diagnostics? Is the system under warranty?

October 10th, 2008 00:00

my problem is diffrent with dante,if dante can startup the computer after 3/4 hour mine cannot start at all, i think the problem is in the motherboard and perhaps its because the onboard vga, tomorow i will try to install PCL express vga hope this solve the problem...

3.4K Posts

October 10th, 2008 01:00

Hello again,

My reply was directed to you.

What do the lights say?

October 10th, 2008 03:00

Having similar problem, we switched the machine off last night, and this morning all I get is that flashing amber light. No sign of lose connections, but nothing is moving. I was thinking maybe the power supply had gone, but wouldn't that stop all power?


I'm on a XPS 720 

October 10th, 2008 04:00

yep... no greens anywhere

October 10th, 2008 04:00

none of the light turn on green,all number 1,2,3,4 off

October 10th, 2008 04:00

i already connect the cpu with diffrent electrical outlet in the diffrent room, and still no greens anywhere.

October 10th, 2008 10:00

i think i found the problem, i try to connect all the power cable and data cable except the power to the processor power connector (12VPOWER), the power supply run,dvd run,hd run,fan run.... it's the processor or the processor power connector ?

15 Posts

October 10th, 2008 14:00

It is either that particular power connector on the power supply or the connector piece on the motherboard. Try replacing the power supply first since it is much cheaper.

October 11th, 2008 02:00

i already did that,removing the power supply ,change with the new one...

3 Posts

October 14th, 2008 18:00

so im pc wouldnt start up the last days(now it goes. dunno why), and i have no other pc for reading the messages...

@Thereal-dbk4297: no one of this diagnostics lights were glowing. just like i said, the powerputton was blinking yellow.

the new problem is now, that i cant start my pc most of the time...if i have luck, it works....should i phone the dell-support? btw: the warranty is over since 2 months:-(

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