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4 Posts


October 3rd, 2022 10:00

x17 R1, keyboard randomly stops working

I've updated all firmware and BIOS. I can resolve temporarily by pressing both FN and F1 but the problem typically returns quickly. I use this for gaming so using FN and F1 is not an acceptable fix but merely a convenient workaround for other activities.

6 Posts

October 4th, 2022 10:00


I am having the same issue, it clearly seems to be a firmware issue as pressing the ScrLk on the on screen keyboard also fixes the issue temporarily. Other fixes also include unplugging and replugging a usb device. Even when the rest of the keyboard stops working a few keys continue to work, including the enable/disable windows key, and the controls for the keyboard lights and the microphone mute/unmute button. All of these keys are the alienware specific keys. It seems that most of the fixes cause the computer to "research" for keyboard devices, making it seem that it forgets the keyboard is present. I have also noticed that the last letter I try to type while the keyboard is not working is typed out once one of the temporary fixes is applied. It seems similar issues in the past were resolved via a firmware update that no longer seems to solve the issue.  

1 Rookie


84 Posts

October 4th, 2022 12:00

Oh ok, that might do it then.  It actually JUST did it again, but what I am noticing is that when it happens and I attempt to restart the system will BSOD and crash with a driver power state error, it's happened at least twice now in the last 2 days this way.  Unfortunately mine does not seem to come back with the above mentioned tricks. 



1 Rookie


84 Posts

October 4th, 2022 12:00

Mine is dropping off while I am using it, so it shouldn't even be going into standby mode at all I wouldn't think. 


6 Posts

October 4th, 2022 12:00

I believe I have found the source of the problem. Windows has a standby mode known as "modern standby". I believe the computer is failing to reconnect to the keyboard when returning from "modern standby". Disabling Modern Standby may solve the problem.

6 Posts

October 4th, 2022 12:00

I think the issues are related, but interacting slightly differently based on model/firmware. There does seems to be a trend in Alienware laptops and keyboard issues that started yesterday, so it may be the same change causing issues, to slightly different results? 

6 Posts

October 4th, 2022 12:00

Is it dropping off in the middle of typing a sentence or during a 5 ish second pause in typing? Mine has not stopped working in the middle of typing, but even short pauses (a few seconds) can disable it. 

1 Rookie


84 Posts

October 4th, 2022 18:00

I updated Windows this afternoon and also disabled modern standby in the registry, so we will see if either of those has helped.  So far so good, but it's only been a few hours. 


4 Posts

October 9th, 2022 14:00

None of these suggestions has worked. It's very sporadic. Can go days without an issue then all of a sudden can't go 2 minutes without repeating. Only true solution has been to use wireless keyboard but that's a stupid work-around for a laptop!

1 Message

May 20th, 2023 11:00


I am suspecting that alienware command center, specifically alienfx has something to do with this mess, I suggest trying to uninstall them according to dells youtube video of how to Uninstaller awcc, and seeing if the problem continues. 


Honestly after this unsolvable problem, I wish I had never bought a Dell system, I thought Dell was "the solution to my problems" that I've had with other computers but nope, at least you can manage to do some troubleshooting with other systems, with Dell? Forget it

1 Rookie


7 Posts

January 14th, 2024 05:16

@Bakr Shaher​ Uninstalling AWCC (removing appdata, programdata, folders from regedit) fixed the keyboard issue.  But now the laptop performs poorly without AWCC.  I tried installing AWCC again and keyboard was bricked so I repeated the AWCC uninstall and it works again.  Software issue, not hardware.


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